Excel 2013, Advance Taskpanes and Screen Redraw

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Excel 2013, Advance Taskpanes and Screen Redraw
Albert Siagian


Dear support,

In Excel 2013, I am using 4 Advance TaskPanes (left, top, right, bottom). Some panels has controls that interact with SQL database. Every time new Workbooks are created, obviously these 4 panels are created and data are filled in as well.

My question is, is it possible to show Workbooks and panels in one shot, meaning all screen redraw are hidden until all panels are ready. The way it is working now, I see Workbook first, then the Workbook size changes to add Task Panes, put controls and data. I want these redrawing processes are hidden/in the background.

Will "wait a little" approach work on this scenario ?

Posted 14 Jul, 2016 20:43:21 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18829
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Albert,

I wonder if a new add-in project showing four Advanced TaskPanes produces the same issue if *all* other COM add-ins turned off. If the visual effect (drawing artifacts) isn't reproducible, then your current code introduces a significant delay. To solve this, you can move the code producing the delay to a thread and initialize the corresponding controls after the thread is complete. Another approach would be to hide all this stuff behind a window/form showing e.g. "Loading..." etc.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 18 Jul, 2016 07:23:13 Top