Office 2016: Closing an opened presentation is not possible

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Office 2016: Closing an opened presentation is not possible



I am trying to close a presentation which has be opened programmatically before.
The window of the presentation is closed, but the presentation itself is still present in the presentation collection.

Could you please advise.

Posted 17 Jun, 2016 05:07:19 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18817
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Fabian,

I can't reproduce the issue using a sample add-in project having three Ribbon buttons with the event handlers shown below.

Make sure that you release every COM object created in the code of your add-in. Also, turn off all other COM add-ins.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader

private void adxRibbonButton1_OnClick(object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) {
    PowerPoint.Presentations presentations = PowerPointApp.Presentations;
    PowerPoint.Presentation presentation = presentations.Add(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue);
    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(presentation); presentation = null;
    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(presentations); presentations = null;

private void adxRibbonButton2_OnClick(object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) {
    PowerPoint.Presentations presentations = PowerPointApp.Presentations;
    PowerPoint.Presentation presentation = presentations[presentations.Count];
    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(presentation); presentation = null;
    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(presentations); presentations = null;

private void adxRibbonButton3_OnClick(object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) {
    PowerPoint.Presentations presentations = PowerPointApp.Presentations;
    PowerPoint.Presentation presentation = presentations[presentations.Count];
    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(presentation); presentation = null;
    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(presentations); presentations = null;
Posted 20 Jun, 2016 06:31:41 Top


Hi Andrei,

I am trying to close the presentation in the same event code I am opening the presentation in.
The presentation is opened by using the Open-Command on an existing presentation on the HDD.

I have an example here:

        private void adxRibbonButton1_OnClick(object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed)
            PowerPoint.Presentations presis = PowerPointApp.Presentations;
            PowerPoint._Presentation newPresi = presis.Open(@"Y:BUG_83176_convert chart type issue.pptx");


            //presis still contains the newPresi
Posted 20 Jun, 2016 07:29:44 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18817
Joined: 2006-05-11

I've modified the code by adding these buttons:

private void adxRibbonButton4_OnClick(object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) {
    PowerPoint.Presentations presentations = PowerPointApp.Presentations;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!! 1. " + presentations.Count.ToString());
    PowerPoint.Presentation presentation = presentations.Open(@"D:ProfileDocumentsgroupedShapes.pptx");
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!! 2. " + presentations.Count.ToString());
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!! 3. " + presentations.Count.ToString());
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!! 4. " + presentations.Count.ToString());
    //adxRibbonButton5_OnClick(null, null, false);

private void adxRibbonButton5_OnClick(object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) {
    PowerPoint.Presentations presentations = PowerPointApp.Presentations;
    for (int i = 1; i <= presentations.Count; i++) {
        PowerPoint.Presentation presentation = presentations[presentations.Count];
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!! " + i.ToString()+ ". " + presentation.FullName);

If you start PowerPoint with the default new presentation and click the first button, it will produce this output:

!!! 1. 1
!!! 2. 1
!!! 3. 1
!!! 4. 1

The first two records are easy: 1) the collection contains the default presentation; 2) opening an existing presentation closes the default one. The last two record are intriguing; I would expect Presentations.Count to be zero. Let's wait a bit, however. If I click the second button, it produces:

!!! adxRibbonButton5_OnClick
!!! adxRibbonButton5_OnClick. end

It looks like the implementation of the Presentations collection has obvious traces of weirdness: it shows an incorrect number of elements while you manipulate with its members but is shows the correct Count after a delay.

I reproduce the issue if I uncomment the last code line of the first event handler. In this case, starting PowerPoint and clicking the first button produces these records:

!!! 1. 1
!!! 2. 1
!!! 3. 1
!!! 4. 1
!!! adxRibbonButton5_OnClick
!!! 1. D:\Profile\Documents\somePresentation.pptx
!!! adxRibbonButton5_OnClick. end

That is, the presentation I opened is listed in the collection *after* I deleted the presentation for the collection. Clicking the second button produces this output:

!!! adxRibbonButton5_OnClick
!!! 1. D:\Profile\Documents\somePresentation.pptx
!!! adxRibbonButton5_OnClick. end

Close PowerPoint and find PowerPoint.exe hanging in the processes list.

I assume the above is a bug in PowerPoint. To bypass the issue, don't walk through the collection elements in the event handler. I'll prepare a sample project and let the PowerPoint team know about the issue; I'll post the link here when I post a message on the General Office Development forum.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 20 Jun, 2016 08:22:04 Top


Hi Andrei,

just wanted to ask, if you have already posted the issue in the Office Development forum?
Could you give me a short update.

Posted 04 Jul, 2016 05:10:27 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18817
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Fabian,

Ah, that's my fault. I haven't done this.

I've created a VSTO add-in and found that the issue is caused by Add-in Express, not by Office. The issue is now filed under #9234 in our bug-tracking database. We will provide you with a fix ASAP.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 04 Jul, 2016 06:55:11 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18817
Joined: 2006-05-11

It appeared to be a bug in PowerPoint after all: I reproduce the issue in a VSTO add-in. I've informed Microsoft, see

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader‎
Posted 05 Jul, 2016 09:35:50 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18817
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Fabian,

At, they suggested a workaround which looks promising. It works for me in a sample project. We are trying to use this approach in the code of Add-in Express. I expect that the assembly fixing this issue will be available tomorrow or on Monday. Tomorrow, I'll notify you about the ETA.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader‎
Posted 07 Jul, 2016 07:44:58 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18817
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Fabian,

In a moment I'll send you an email containing a download link for the assembly which fixes this issue for me. Please let me know if it works for you.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader‎
Posted 08 Jul, 2016 07:55:57 Top


Hi Andrei,

thanks about the new file.
I will test it tomorrow and let you know if the issue is fixed.
Posted 11 Jul, 2016 10:44:40 Top