(adx control) not accessible due to its protection level?

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(adx control) not accessible due to its protection level?
Checked in my source, now all my adx controls are complaining that they're inaccessible 
Brian Link


This is weird. I had been working on my Outlook add-in, checked in all my code to TFS, and now pretty much all my adx controls are throwing compile errors "<control> is inaccessible due to its protection level".

Any ideas what might be going on? I really didn't do anything except check it into source control.

Posted 09 Jun, 2016 09:59:36 Top
Brian Link


Okay - figured it out, though I don't know how it happened. Somehow, the controls in question were toggled to "private" in their declaration. This never was an issue before. I set them to declare as "internal", and now I'm building fine. Weird.
Posted 09 Jun, 2016 10:37:11 Top