Outlook XP compatibility?

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Outlook XP compatibility?
does it possible to get ids of new mails in Outlook XP on new mail 
hs dreamer


I need to get compatibility with Outlook XP, but now only NewMail event fired not NewMailEx.. I need to process every new mail without loss of speed (it can be few thousands of mails, filters thats fired before new event, exchange mode - things that make impossible to enumerate all mails in inbox)
Posted 13 Sep, 2006 04:35:29 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi HS.

The fact is that the NewMailEx event is supported in Outlook 2003 and later. I would advise you to use the events of the message store. You can connect to the message store via Extended MAPI (see the IMsgStore inteface in the MSDN library).
We started to support the Extended MAPI in our products. I think that a new build of 'ADX Extensions for Outlook' product will support that events.
Posted 13 Sep, 2006 08:58:11 Top