Winword.exe not going down after application closure.

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Winword.exe not going down after application closure.
Uri Steinfeld

Posts: 2
Joined: 2016-03-24

We are contacting you since we are experiencing some problems when working with addin-express. We are using your services to display a task bar with a few buttons inside a document, presentation, worksheet and an email.

We have recently noticed that when the user inserts a word document to another word document the winword.exe process will stay up even though the user closes the application.

We have cancelled all of our code and left only addin-express inside the application and the issue still persists.

These are the steps we are using to reproduce the issue 100% percent of the time:

1. Compile a class that inherits from AddinExpress.MSO.ADXAddinModule and *only* has the Add-in Express automatic code (AddinRegister, AddinUnregister etc..)
2. Open a DOCX and make sure that addinexpress addin is loaded.
3. Insert another word document to this document using Insert Object.
4. Close Word application.
5. Open task manager and see Winword.exe still alive (should be down)

Thank you very much,

Covertix Team.
Posted 24 Mar, 2016 15:53:19 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18825
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Uri,

We've reproduced the issue and it it is now filed under #8823 in our bug-tracking db; you'll find that number in whatsnew.txt of the upcoming build which is scheduled for the first half of April. I'll send you a note when the build is published. Should we run in any problem with the fix - I'll let you know.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader‎
Posted 25 Mar, 2016 03:07:58 Top