Outlook Addin fails after installing .net framework 3.0

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Outlook Addin fails after installing .net framework 3.0
Minhaj Khan

Posts: 15
Joined: 2006-08-17

I had successfully compiled and deployed an outlook add-in, that hosts third party controls (i.e. Infragistics controls) and WPF control using crossbow, .net framework 2.0 and winfx runtime components July CTP. Till this point, all went fine accordingly but I did uninstall winfx runtime components and instead installed .net framework 3.0 but I faced problems afterwards. I had read that WPF, WCF and WF are inclusive as part of the .net frameowrk 3.0 package.

I wonder whats wrong here after this exersice of upgrading to .net framework 3.0. Attached herewith is a sample image showing the type of error encountered. Stack trace reveals that XamlParseException is thrown indicating that .xaml convertion to .baml resulted in exception due to a call to InitialzeComponents in the WPF control's constructor.

Any ideas on how to rectify and resolve this issue.
Thanks in advacne for your time and consideration.
Posted 17 Aug, 2006 07:01:02 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Minhaj.

Did you test a simple add-in without third party controls?
Did it work under .NET v3.0?
Posted 18 Aug, 2006 08:19:48 Top
Minhaj Khan

Posts: 15
Joined: 2006-08-17

Thanks for your time and kind considerations.

I ran through & tested different alternate scenarios like

1. Compiling a very basic sample using .net framework 3.0
2. Creating a sample ADX porject focusing crossbow
3. Running an animated WPF window using XAML/story-board effects

Fortunately all above scenarios worked as expected and went fine but combining case #2 & 3, i.e creating an ADX extensibility project hosting animated wpf usercontrol using crossbow resulted as usual in run-time error. Although compilation goes successful but during outlook add-in display in the inspector/explorer window throws decent XmlParseException :(

Detailed technical information follows:
Assembly Codebase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/AddinExpress.OL.2005/1.3.900.2005__e69a7e0f3592d2b8/AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll
Assembly Full Name: AddinExpress.OL.2005, Version=1.3.900.2005, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e69a7e0f3592d2b8
Assembly Version: 1.3.900.2005
Assembly Build Date: 19/06/2002 01:06:50

Exception Source: mscorlib
Exception Type: System.IO.FileLoadException
Exception Message: Could not load file or assembly 'TEKOutlookAddin, Version=1.0.2419.28078, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ed03b425a4e908' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Exception Target Site: nLoad

---- Stack Trace ----
System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad(fileName As AssemblyName, codeBase As String, assemblySecurity As Evidence, locationHint As Assembly, stackMark As StackCrawlMark&, throwOnFileNotFound As Boolean, forIntrospection As Boolean)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 00000 (0x0) JIT
System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(assemblyRef As AssemblyName, assemblySecurity As Evidence, stackMark As StackCrawlMark&, forIntrospection As Boolean)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0120 (0x78) IL
System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(assemblyString As String, assemblySecurity As Evidence, stackMark As StackCrawlMark&, forIntrospection As Boolean)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0083 (0x53) IL
System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyString As String)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0002 (0x2) IL
System.Windows.Markup.ReflectionHelper.LoadAssemblyHelper(assemblyGivenName As String, assemblyPath As String)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0174 (0xAE) IL
System.Windows.Markup.ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(assemblyName As String, assemblyPath As String)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0000 (0x0) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlMapTable.GetAssemblyFromAssemblyInfo(assemblyInfoRecord As BamlAssemblyInfoRecord)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0026 (0x1A) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlMapTable.GetTypeFromTypeInfo(typeInfo As BamlTypeInfoRecord)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0086 (0x56) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlMapTable.GetTypeFromId(id As Int16)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0040 (0x28) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlRecordReader.ReadConstructorParameterTypeRecord(constructorParameterType As BamlConstructorParameterTypeRecord)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0000 (0x0) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlRecordReader.ReadRecord(bamlRecord As BamlRecord)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0984 (0x3D8) IL

Assembly Codebase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/AddinExpress.OL.2005/1.3.900.2005__e69a7e0f3592d2b8/AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll
Assembly Full Name: AddinExpress.OL.2005, Version=1.3.900.2005, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e69a7e0f3592d2b8
Assembly Version: 1.3.900.2005
Assembly Build Date: 19/06/2002 01:06:50

Exception Source: PresentationFramework
Exception Type: System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException
Exception Message: Could not load file or assembly 'TEKOutlookAddin, Version=1.0.2419.28078, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ed03b425a4e908' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Exception Target Site: ThrowException

---- Stack Trace ----
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException.ThrowException(message As String, innerException As Exception, lineNumber As Int32, linePosition As Int32, baseUri As Uri, currentXamlObjectIds As XamlObjectIds, contextXamlObjectIds As XamlObjectIds, objectType As Type)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0190 (0xBE) IL
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext As ParserContext, lineNumber As Int32, linePosition As Int32, message As String, innerException As Exception)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0030 (0x1E) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlRecordReader.ReadRecord(bamlRecord As BamlRecord)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 1095 (0x447) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlRecordReader.BaseReadDeferableContentStart(bamlRecord As BamlDeferableContentStartRecord, defKeyList As ArrayList&, staticResourceValuesList As List`1&)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0168 (0xA8) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlRecordReader.ReadDeferableContentStart(bamlRecord As BamlDeferableContentStartRecord)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0074 (0x4A) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlRecordReader.ReadRecord(bamlRecord As BamlRecord)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 1093 (0x445) IL
System.Windows.Markup.BamlRecordReader.Read(singleRecord As Boolean)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0006 (0x6) IL
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0186 (0xBA) IL
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0000 (0x0) IL
System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.LoadBaml(stream As Stream, parserContext As ParserContext, parent As Object, closeStream As Boolean)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0104 (0x68) IL
System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(component As Object, resourceLocator As Uri)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0367 (0x16F) IL
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0036 (0x24) IL
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0008 (0x8) IL
TEKOutlookAddin.ADXOlDefaultForm.ADXOlDefaultForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0785 (0x311) IL
System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(e As EventArgs)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0151 (0x97) IL
AddinExpress.OL.ADXOlForm.OnLoad(e As EventArgs)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0008 (0x8) IL
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0006 (0x6) IL
AddinExpress.OL.ADXOlFormsManager.ProcessForm(FolderForm As ADXOlForm, ContainerHandle As IntPtr, SizeContainer As Size)
AddinExpress.OL.2005.dll: N 0000 (0x0) IL

Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks again
Posted 21 Aug, 2006 07:27:03 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Minhaj.

I think that you have compiled the add-in using the wrong version of the
'System.Windows.Markup' assembly. Please check the version of the assembly on the development PC and the target one.
Posted 21 Aug, 2006 08:53:55 Top