Inconsistency with task pane events in protected view

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Inconsistency with task pane events in protected view
Igor Govorov

Posts: 83
Joined: 2014-02-12
I have a task pane in Word that i attempt to update when a document is opened.
To do this i have updated it in 3 places, since i can't know the order events will happen:
1. BeforeTaskPaneShow
2. DocumentBeforeOpen
3. ProtectedViewWindowOpen

This method worked well in regular documents, but i have encountered a problem with Protected View documents.
In Word 2010, opening such file directly works well, but opening the file from inside word does not.
After some checks i discovered that in the 2nd case, the events fired are BeforeShow and then ProtectedViewWindowOpen, but in both cases it says that the task pane is not yet visible.

Can you please help me figure this problem out?
Thanks in advance!
Posted 21 May, 2015 03:35:43 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18825
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Igor,

We can't influence this.

If the form isn't visible, you can cache the data that you need to update the form with and use these data when the form shows up. Say, you can use the ADXAfterTaskPaneShow event.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 22 May, 2015 03:39:31 Top