ADX2.7 Loader not GAC'ing?

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ADX2.7 Loader not GAC'ing?
David Ing

Posts: 56
Joined: 2006-06-27
This is an odd one, I really need help :-)

I use the new ADX2.7 Loader. My add-in starts up fine and the problem is with a clean image/install non-dev machine.

The one problem I have is with using a Outlook Extension (1.3) WebViewPane form. I get the error: 'Cannot load type AddinExress.MSO.ADXRemoteObject...'. I don't get any other errors for the add-in, including where I use other forms that are either TopSubPane or BottomSubpane. It's just on the WebViewPane form layout.

I imagined this error was because the ADX MSO dll wasn't in the GAC, and it wasn't.

I checked and checked the setup, and I do call DllRegister in the Install Custom Actions (remember, the addin does install and work apart from this error).

A few weeks ago when I start with ADX2.7 I was sure this was working ok, and even got an old install to check. The ADX MSO dll did go into the GAC for that one before, without any custom actions of my own.

I am comparing old and new setups and they seem identical.

What could cause the adxloader.dll to register correctly but not copy the ADX MSO dll into the GAC???
Posted 09 Aug, 2006 17:28:37 Top
David Ing

Posts: 56
Joined: 2006-06-27
For follow up info: If I put the AddinExpress.MSO in the GAC using the Installer (i.e. insert assembly into the File System GAC directory in a VS2003 setup project) then I get the following error dialog when trying to view the WebViewPane form:

"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."

Note that this is not the normal ADX Global Exception handler dialog, or anything I coded in - the dialog has no window title and just an OK button.
Posted 09 Aug, 2006 19:42:17 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi David.

I can't reproduce the issue.
Could you please send me the add-in project? I will test it on my PC.
Posted 11 Aug, 2006 18:49:20 Top
David Ing

Posts: 56
Joined: 2006-06-27
Hi Sergey. All fixed now, it looks like the 'problem' was that I mistakenly thought the adxloader DllRegister caused the AddinExpress.MSO to go into the GAC, when in fact I needed to do this myself.

I rolled back to a setup script that worked ok before and found that I had been putting extensibility.dll and the AddinExpress.MSO into the GAC myself. Note sure how I managed to confuse myself over this, but all seems ok now.

PS If you want to see what ADX Outlook Extensions can do (;-) then take a look at
Posted 14 Aug, 2006 07:58:38 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi David.

I looked at the 'Taglocity' product. It looks very nice.
Please let me know if you have any other difficulties. Good luck.
Posted 14 Aug, 2006 15:55:15 Top