Visio 2003 Add-in fails when running in debug mode

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Visio 2003 Add-in fails when running in debug mode
No matter how simple or complex, Visio always disables add-in in debug 
Greg Runyan

Posts: 2
Joined: 2006-08-08
Installed components:
1. 2003 Professional
2. Office 2002 suite i
3. Visio 2003 SP2
4. Visio 2003 SDK
5. Office 2003 PIA

Steps to recreate:
Create a basic Add-in express project for Visio, follow all steps for basic deployment per your instructions -- all is well when loading Visio and running. Then run in debug mode (yes, property to start Visio is configured in project properties) and when Visio loads, it blinks and then closes. Re-run the debug mode and get Visio message:

"Visio experiences a serious error the last time the add-in 'myaddin1' was opened. Would you like to disable this add-in? To reactivate this addin, click About Microsoft Office Visio on the Help menu, and then click Disable Items."

Regardless of selecting YES or NO button to the above, you go into endless loop of never getting debug mode to run properly.

Also, the new ADX 2.7 Loader throws error when creating a project, so have to select C# shim instead.

Looking forward to getting this fixed!

Posted 08 Aug, 2006 10:10:11 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Greg.

Do you have both .NET Framework v1.1 and v2.0 installed on the PC?
If so, you need to configure Visio to run the .NET v1.1 runtime libraries while you debug the add-in in VS 2003. Please use the 'Host configuration' dialog of the addinmodule to set the .NET version to 'v1.1.4322' for Visio application.

Also, the new ADX 2.7 Loader throws error when creating a project, so have to select C# shim instead.

Could you please send me a screenshot with the error message?
Posted 09 Aug, 2006 07:12:33 Top
Greg Runyan

Posts: 2
Joined: 2006-08-08
Item 1: yes, v1.1 and v2.0 of the framework installed and setting the Host Configuration did the trick. Thank you very much.

Item 2:
1. File:New:Blank Solution...
2. Dialog:Visual Basic Projects:Add-in Express Projects:ADX COM Add-in icon
3. Dialog:Visual Basic Project (auto selected):Use ADX Loader [checked], Create Visual C++ COM Add-in Shim project [unchecked], Generate...[checked], Create the setup...[checked]
4. Dialog: MS Visio [checked],Add the primary interop [checked],Sign the primary...[checked]
5. Error Dialog:
Title: Microsoft Development Environment
Text: Could not find file "C:\Program Files\Afalinasoft\Add-in Express.Net\Bin\..\Redistributables\adxloader.dll"

I did have v2.4 installed prior to install of 2.7. Of course did uninstall of v2.4 before install of v2.7.

I can search and find adxloader.dll within "C:\Program Files\Add-in Express\Add-in Express .NET\Redistributables". As I typed this just now I see there is an extra space between "Express .NET" --- wonder if your setup of v2.7 changed directories around and missed it elsewhere in your code.

Hope the above helps recreate.

Posted 09 Aug, 2006 13:22:04 Top
Matt Driver


Posts: 152
Joined: 2004-08-17

I had the same issue with upgrading from 2.4, a space creapt into the path don't worry about it. Just remove the old reference and add the new file and everything works perfectly.


Posted 09 Aug, 2006 13:45:23 Top
Matt Driver


Posts: 152
Joined: 2004-08-17

Sorry read you post a little wrong.

Ive just tested a VB project with loader under 2003 1.1 and 2005 2.0 framework with PIA's as you describe and I don't get the issue under 2.7

on my machine with 2.7 I have the path

c:\program files\Add-in Express\Add-in Express .NET\Redistributables\adxloader.dl

(with a space between express and .net)

is yours the same ?

I would uninstall ADX any any other products in the dir structure, reboot then manually delete c:\program files\Add-in Express the folder and then do a clean 2.7 install that should fix your issue.


Posted 09 Aug, 2006 14:07:05 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Greg.

I think the ADX v2.4 was uninstalled incorrectly. You still have the old ADX wizards registred in Visual Studio.
Please close Visual Studio and reinstall the latest ADX version (v2.7).
Posted 11 Aug, 2006 17:24:46 Top