Shim Reference in Addin

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Shim Reference in Addin
Where is the Shim referenced in the definition of the Addin 
Jack Bretcher

Posts: 189
Joined: 2006-06-30
Recently I had to move my shim file from one folder to another due to the path being too long for IS to build correctly. In doing so I lost the ability to debug my addin, it tells me that it cannot find the shim.

What do I need to change on my project to have it find the shim again?

Posted 19 Jul, 2006 13:13:41 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Jack.

You just need to change the 'Build Events' in the shim project.
E.g. if you moved the shim project up to one level:

Replace the 'Pre-Link Event':
"$(ProjectDir)Pre-Link.bat" "$(ProjectDir)..\bin\Debug\$(TargetFileName)"


"$(ProjectDir)Pre-Link.bat" "$(ProjectDir)..\MyAddinDir\bin\Debug\$(TargetFileName)"

Replace the 'Post-Build Event':
"$(ProjectDir)Post-Build.bat" "$(TargetPath)" "$(ProjectDir)..\bin\Debug\$(TargetFileName)"


"$(ProjectDir)Post-Build.bat" "$(TargetPath)" "$(ProjectDir)..\MyAddinDir\bin\Debug\$(TargetFileName)"

Posted 20 Jul, 2006 07:53:29 Top