Office / Outlook Development Contract

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Office / Outlook Development Contract
Contract offering for developing an Office / Outlook Add-in 
cristi beres

Posts: 11
Joined: 2006-07-12

We have developed an integration between Office / Outlook and our CRM tool. One of the provider that had developed it before was not capable to finish the add-ins. We're now stuck with a half-done product that goes into the right direction, but needs some smart and faster developer that we can count on to finish it. ClientCentric is our CRM tool further (CRM).Here some information about the tool:

Office Integration:

1. User finishes the document in Word, Excel or Powerpoint.
2. User clicks on to the CRM Upload Function
2.1. System verifies if the user is logged into the CRM system
2.1.1. If not, the user has to log into the CRM system.
3. The system will open an upload screen.
4. The user will select first if the document is to be stored under a project or a contract.
5. The user will search for the customer by entering search values into the search screen.
6. After submitting the search the system will start searching for the account
6.1. If no account is found the system will provide an error message
6.1.1. The user can redefine the search and resubmit it
7. The system will provide the result set of found account.
7.1. If the account is not in the result set, the user can redefine the search and resubmit it.
8. The user will select the account from the result set
9. Based on the decision whether contracts or projects should be used the system will provide the account related projects / contracts.
10. The user will select from the projects / contracts the one the document should be stored under.
11. The user will as a next point fill out the short description of the document.
12. The user will select from the category tree minimum one category (many categories possible) that will be assigned to the document.
13. The system will verify that all values are filled out and that the information is valid in terms of the configured business rules.
13.1. If the validation fails the system will provide an error message.
13.1.1. The user can change the values and resubmit the document to be added to the list.
14. The system will start uploading the file.
15. The system will provide a bar that indicates the upload progress
16. As soon the system has uploaded the files it will provide a feedback on the success of the upload activity.
17. If successful, execute Add Activity Service Request

Outlook Integration:

1. User opens the email in the users Outlook client
2. User clicks on the email to CRM transfer function
2.1. System verifies if the user has been logged into the CRM system
2.1.1. If not, the user has to log into the CRM system.
3. The system will lunch user interface for Email transfer
4. First the system will use the FROM / TO (need to identify direction of the email) email address and search through the database to identify a valid contact (full name validation)
4.1. If the search didn't provide a result the search will continue with the domain name and the partial domain name without extension.
4.1.1. If all search where not successful the system will offer a manual search screen, basically the account quick search (See use case account search)
5. As soon the account is identified the next step is to identify the project from the project list
5.1. The use will select minimum one or many projects from the account related project list.
5.1.1. If no project is available the system will provide a quick project setup screen
5.1.2. The user will fill in all values into the project setup form. The system will check if all validation is successful (business rules) If not the system will provide instant feedback to the user The user can fix the problem and resubmit the form.
6. If the email address was found the system will pre-select the corresponding contact(s)
6.1. The user will select as the next step one or many contacts from the account related contact list.
6.1.1. If the contact is not available the system will provide a quick contact-setup with the email already pre-filled.
6.1.2. The user will fill in all values into the contact setup form. The system will check if all validation is successful (business rules) If not the system will provide instant feedback to the user The user can fix the problem and resubmit the form.
7. The user can add additional information into the memo field as a short description of the email.
8. If the values for account, contact(s), user, and project(s) are selected the system moves to activity generation
9. The system will check if the email was already once transferred over into the activity database, via the Outlook Unique ID.
9.1. If the email was already send over and assigned to the same account and the same project, the system will deny an import of the email.
10. The system will create an activity record out of the email whereby the email body will create the activity information.
11. Attachments are assigned to the activity. All the pre-selected values are used to finalize the activity.
12. The system will provide a bar that shows the progress on the email export execution.
13. The system will provide a finished message when the email was transfered over to the CRM tool.

If any of you guys is interested in a quick and interesting gig, please e-mail me at cristi_beres at

Posted 12 Jul, 2006 18:05:03 Top