Outlook built-in menu

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Outlook built-in menu


I want to write code that will add a button to the Action menu in the window
that is opened when someone opens an email in Outlook. How do I do this? I
think there is an event for New Inspector or something. I don't understand
how to do it. Does anyone have some sample code or something? Thanks.
Posted 19 Oct, 2004 15:28:26 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
To add a button to the Action menu of Inspector you are to handle InspectorActivate event. NewInspector event is not the best choise because it is called only once before the first inspector starts. Before adding a new button you need to check if this button already exists in Action menu. If it doesn't exist, then to add. If it does, to initialize the existing one.
Posted 20 Oct, 2004 08:28:48 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
If you use ADX to add a button to the Action menu you should add the ADXOlInspectorCommandBar to ADX module and set the CommandBarName property to "Menu Bar".
Then add a popup control to this command bar and set the ID ptoperty of the popup to 30131. Then add the ADXCommandBarButton to Controls collection of popup.
Build the project. That's it.
Posted 20 Oct, 2004 08:40:01 Top