Office Newswire: Do you think Apps for Office and SharePoint is a viable platform?

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Office Newswire: Do you think Apps for Office and SharePoint is a viable platform?
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Svetlana Cheusheva

Add-in Express team

Posts: 245
Joined: 2005-02-02
In today's edition of the Office Newswire Ty Anderson encourages you to share your thoughts of Apps for Office & SharePoint. Are they worthy of your time, talent & resources? What do you think? Are you building apps for the app store? Bring it!

As usually, you will find the latest news, opinions and developer items of note:

- Introduction to SharePoint 2013 App Model
- SharePoint 2013 apps versus webparts for developers
- Windows 8 can't afford to fail like Vista
- Google Apps is no longer free
- Solving cross-domain problems in apps for SharePoint
- Get started with Office Web Apps in Office 365

You will find the full details on our blog:
Posted 12 Dec, 2012 06:01:12 Top