Office News: Why Office 365 is more important than Windows 8

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Office News: Why Office 365 is more important than Windows 8
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Svetlana Cheusheva

Add-in Express team

Posts: 245
Joined: 2005-02-02
Ty Anderson brings you the latest news about Office 365, Windows 8, SharePoint and Office apps:

- Why Office 365 is far more important than Windows 8
- Google thinks it's time to ditch Microsoft Office, Customers cay they're wrong
- Are radial menus the future of Office?
- What do normal people think of new Windows 8 PCs?
- Microsoft's Sinofsky responds to complaint over Office 2013 on Surface RT
- SharePoint 2013 App Environment: everything is fine, but we had a small problem
- Creating and verifying licensing in a paid app for Office
- Developing new applications for Office and SharePoint 2013
- Using an OData Service in apps for SharePoint

Please read the newswire for full details:
Posted 07 Nov, 2012 06:38:26 Top