Office 365, Google Apps and Amazon: marketplaces & confusing Cloud offerings

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Office 365, Google Apps and Amazon: marketplaces & confusing Cloud offerings
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Svetlana Cheusheva

Add-in Express team

Posts: 245
Joined: 2005-02-02
Both Google Apps and Office 365 offer less than great options with regard to professional services marketplaces. Will that change with Office wave 15's rumored app store?

- Microsoft Launches Office 365 in Pakistan
- SharePoint 2013 name confirmed and SharePoint store details
- Microsoft Office 2013 beta now pushed back to later in July?
- Case Study: Microsoft Exchange Online
- Microsoft's loyalty to Windows and Office blamed for a 'lost' decade
- Building cross-platform apps using jQuery Mobile
- 10 illustrated examples of Visual Studio 2012

You will find all these and many more items of interest in today's Office 365 Newswire:
Posted 04 Jul, 2012 07:38:43 Top