Outlook addin fails to load in Outlook 2010 64 bit

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Outlook addin fails to load in Outlook 2010 64 bit
Mike VE

Posts: 168
Joined: 2007-09-09

I have just upgraded my dev machine to Windows 7 64 bit and Office 2010 64 bit.

I have two addins built with Add-in Express. One runs fine on the new system but the other will not load. The one that works is written against NET Framework 4 while the one that does not uses NET Framework 2. All other settings are the same:
Platform: AnyCPU
RegisterForAllUsers: False
On the project compile page the Net2 addin has a tick for Register for COM interop while the Net4 addin has a solid block.

Also no log files are being produced. Why not?

The Net2 addin throws no errors but ends up in the Inactive Applications Add-in list.

The Net2 addin uses OutlookSecurity Manager so I added a reference to that to the Net4 add-in to see if that was the problem but it made no difference.

I have just upodated to ADX 6.3.3052.

Any ideas what I am missing?
Posted 08 Dec, 2010 05:09:28 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Mike,

Are you able to reproduce the issue with a newly created add-in project?

Please make sure that the Loader folder contains the adxloader64.dll file. You may be interested in the http://www.add-in-express.com/docs/net-deploying-addins.php section of the online documentation. Also please have a look at the http://www.add-in-express.com/creating-addins-blog/2010/04/08/office2010-32bit-64bit-single-setup/ article on our technical blog.
Posted 08 Dec, 2010 05:27:55 Top
Mike VE

Posts: 168
Joined: 2007-09-09
Hi Eugene

Thanks for the quick reply. I do not think deployment and setup are an issue - I have removed setup projects until I can crack this more basic problem on my dev machine.

I have now done as you suggested and reproduced the issue with 2 new projects. I started a new ADX Com add-in and added an explorer ribbon tab with a button. I did this twice: a project named TestNet2 using Net 2 and a project called TestNet4 using net 4. The Net4 one loads an runs while the Net2 does not load and goes into the Inactive Appliacation Add-ins list.

As with my other project the only difference I can see is the Register for COM Interop box on the Compile page. The Net4 has a solid box while the Net2 one has just a tick. They both have adxLoader64 in their Loader folders and the adxLoader.Manifest files look exactly the same.

There are still no log files.
Posted 08 Dec, 2010 06:03:59 Top
Mike VE

Posts: 168
Joined: 2007-09-09
Hi Eugene

Just for completeness I have now done the same for the 3 and 3.5 frameworks. The relevent add-ins just go straight to the Inactive Add-ins application list.
Posted 08 Dec, 2010 06:22:51 Top
Mike VE

Posts: 168
Joined: 2007-09-09
It now works!

Previously all the projects were on a network share. I have moved them to a folder on the C:\ drive of the dev machine and everything works!

So it must be a security/trust issue. What I do not yet understand is why it did not cause any problems with the Net4 add-ins.
Posted 08 Dec, 2010 07:07:03 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Mike,

As a rule, I always recommend keeping your projects on the local drive. However, I will investigate that issue. It looks like it depends on the .net framework version. Thank you for pointing this to me and good luck with your add-in projects!
Posted 08 Dec, 2010 07:43:06 Top