Will a 64-bit ADX MAPI Store Accessor be made available?

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Will a 64-bit ADX MAPI Store Accessor be made available?
Inquiring about MAPI Store roadmap and alternative solutions to general-purpose item monitoring. 
Paul Stickney

Posts: 38
Joined: 2010-02-08
One of my big targets is now Outlook 2010 64-bit. Unfortunately this means that the current (32-bit) MAPI Store ceases to work.

I need to monitor item Added, Deleted (not just "moved to Deleted Items") and Modified events; these events have no counter-part under the normal OOM (a fitting name is it not?) that I am aware of.

Update: I was toying with a 32-bit process containing the MAPI Store and use IPC to communicated with it. A 32-bit process will use the 32-bit mapi32.dll (this is good). Unfortunately this is not compatible with a 64-bit Outlook (this is bad).

Any suggestions on other solutions/approaches would be good to look into? (ProcessItemAdd just doesn't cover my needs.)
I would like to avoid manual scans as folder sizes (in corporate worlds) become insanely large.

Disclaimer: I do not know the implications of building a 64-bit Store Accessor and do not know the feasibility and/or complications, however I see that the codeplex MFCMAPI project has 64-bit builds which work correctly: http://mfcmapi.codeplex.com/releases/view/45245

If I acquired an Enterprise license (currently I have a Professional license) could I acquire the MAPI code for an in-house 64-bit build (if this is even feasible)?


Posted 09 Jun, 2010 15:20:12 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Paul,

No, you couldn't. We don't have the x64 version of the MAPI Store Accessor. It seems you need to use any third party tool (for example such as MFCMAPI).
Posted 10 Jun, 2010 04:13:30 Top
Paul Stickney

Posts: 38
Joined: 2010-02-08
Arg :)

Half way down the road of learning MFC/ATL/COM+ (in 2010!) and cursing C++ all the way.

If you ever do develop a 64-bit MAPI Store version, I'll be the first one to download it.
Posted 10 Jun, 2010 13:14:51 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hi Paul,

I'm afraid no such version will be published within the next three months.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 11 Jun, 2010 10:14:10 Top