Using The Store Accessor to update the Sent Status of a Mail Item?

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Using The Store Accessor to update the Sent Status of a Mail Item?
Ed Thurgood

Posts: 1
Joined: 2010-04-15
Hi there everyone,
I'm currently developing an add-in for outlook which "sends" a message by other means (doesn't go through the normal mail accounts). BUT I want it to appear as if it does - so it moves to the sent items folder etc. But in Outlook it says "This message has not yet been sent"

So basically - what I'm attempting to do is set the status of the message to 'Sent'.
It doens't appear possible using the Outlook classes because the properties are read-only, but believe it might be possible using the Store Accessor and the SetProperty function?

I'm at a loss to which Tags and Values I may need to use.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 15 Apr, 2010 04:34:51 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hello Ed,

Excuse me for being late, I had some exams at university.

You are able to create a "pseudo-sent" Outlook item using Extended MAPI. But the MAPI Store Accessor can help you setting a few properties, but not all for such task. IOW the MAPI Accessor is not a universal panacea ;-)

I'm at a loss to which Tags and Values I may need to use.

Please have a look at the PR_SENT kind of properties (I mean Extented MAPI properties of course).
Posted 01 May, 2010 05:51:33 Top