confused about DLL's needed

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confused about DLL's needed
Darin Horton

Posts: 6
Joined: 2010-01-06
We have customers using both outlook 2007 and outlook 2003. we are using the securitymanager 2009. our VB program has a reference to:

securitymanager.2005, version 5.0.2013.2005 (the same version the demo program is using).

We include the securitymanager.2005.dll with our application, but not the secman.dll. i am guessing that we should only be sending the secman.dll to the customer, but our VB program is using securitymanager.2005.dll (just like the sample program).

So can someone help me out with this.

Posted 06 Jan, 2010 11:42:37 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18829
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Darin,

According to the guide ({Security Manager installation folder}\Docs\osm.pdf), you need to deploy both SecurityManager.2005.dll (SecurityManager.dll in case of VS 2003) and secman.dll.

To deploy your software that uses Outlook Security Manager, include the secman.dll file into your setup package and register it on an end-user computer as a COM object. To register it, you can use the regsvr32 utility or special options of your installer (vsdrfCOMSelfReg for example). In addition, your setup package must include SecurityManager.dll (SecurityManager.2005.dll) that must be located in the application install folder.

Pay attention, please, that you should place secman.dll as a shared DLL into the shared folder of Windows, Common Files \ Outlook Security Manager. Do not unregister secman.dll if it existed before installing your product. You can find the complete information about deploying shared files on the MSDN website: Windows 2000 Application Specifications: Component Sharing

You can find the redistributable version of secman.dll in the Redistributable subfolder of the Outlook Security Manager folder.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 06 Jan, 2010 12:21:27 Top
Darin Horton

Posts: 6
Joined: 2010-01-06
So if when i do that (and run the sample program) and receive:

the 'secman.outlooksecuritymanager' COM object is not registered.

that means i need to register secman.dll - right?
Posted 06 Jan, 2010 12:34:20 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hello Darin,

he 'secman.outlooksecuritymanager' COM object is not registered.

that means i need to register secman.dll - right?

Yes, you are right.

Pay attention, please, that you should place secman.dll as a shared DLL into the shared folder of Windows, Common Files \ Outlook Security Manager. Do not unregister secman.dll if it existed before installing your product. You can find the complete information about deploying shared files on the MSDN website: Windows 2000 Application Specifications: Component Sharing
Posted 08 Jan, 2010 08:23:48 Top