VDProj to WiX: Unresolved reference to symbol

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VDProj to WiX: Unresolved reference to symbol
App.config is causing issues... 
Konstantin Jahnel

Posts: 1
Joined: 2017-06-07
I could post a code snippet and all that but it seems that i have the same issue that https://www.add-in-express.com/forum/read.php?FID=11&TID=12283.

So if someone could send me the same fix Marcus Codburn got, that would be great.

Generated Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
        <DirectoryRef Id="ACPPrtInst.Binaries">
            <Component Id="com_51AF637D_0FC6_4E6C_ABEB_DD6632708378" Guid="{BB3EA3FF-17A0-446B-B2E9-D5E19E8E0CF5}" Permanent="no" SharedDllRefCount="no" Transitive="no">
                <File Id="_51AF637D_0FC6_4E6C_ABEB_DD6632708378" DiskId="1" Hidden="no" KeyPath="yes" ReadOnly="no" System="no" TrueType="no" Vital="yes" Source="$(var.ACPPrtInst.TargetDir)ACPPrtInst.exe" />
            <Component Id="cmp33A5A2C8F238EB09007339D2196CE2CD" Guid="{F44901B5-F17D-4974-80D3-F6DB468CD88D}" Permanent="no" SharedDllRefCount="no" Transitive="no">
                <File Id="fil1BB8954C9C3A0D2D667BB8754DA10C06" DiskId="1" Hidden="no" KeyPath="yes" ReadOnly="no" System="no" TrueType="no" Vital="yes" Source="$(var.ACPPrtInst.TargetDir)ACPPrtInst.exe.config" />
        <ComponentGroup Id="ACPPrtInst.Binaries">
          <ComponentRef Id="com_51AF637D_0FC6_4E6C_ABEB_DD6632708378" />
          <ComponentRef Id="cmp33A5A2C8F238EB09007339D2196CE2CD" />

The Error i get:
Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:ACPPrtInst.Binaries' in section 'Fragment:'.
Posted 07 Jun, 2017 09:21:31 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Konstantin,

The latest version of the converter contains all fixes. What version of the converter do you use?
Is the VDProj project compiled without errors in Visual Studio?
Posted 07 Jun, 2017 11:57:54 Top