Wix designer - changing command line arguments so as to be patch friendly

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Wix designer - changing command line arguments so as to be patch friendly


Hi all.

Pretty new to the designer and so far so good except on producing a MSI that is patch friendly. I see on the output of the build that heat.exe has -gg added as an argument. This is a NO NO if you want to produce a patch file later.

So is there a way to turn that off? I looked but did not see how to do this. This is pretty important as if we cannot do this we can still use the designer but will have to exclude it from the visual studio build and run a custom batch file our self as we are planning on creating patches with all our minor builds.

Posted 26 Jan, 2017 06:13:05 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05

To remove the -gg command you need to add the primary output of the project as an assembly, not as a project reference. In this case Heat.exe will not produce any additional .wxs file. To learn more about the command please see the WiX documentation (Tools and Concepts -> Harvest Tool (Heat)).
Posted 27 Jan, 2017 07:09:18 Top


Sergey Grischenko writes:
To remove the -gg command you need to add the primary output of the project as an assembly, not as a project reference.

Could expand on this? We are using VB.NET and I am not sure what you mean.

Also. I got it to work by copying the output of the build window (the command line code that your tool produces) and just removing the -gg argument.

Posted 30 Jan, 2017 05:08:47 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05

Please do the following steps:

1. Remove the Primary Output(s) of your project from the 'Application Folder' in the 'File System' editor of the WiX setup project.
2. Click on the References node and add a reference to your project (it should be removed by the previous step).
3. Add the project assembly via the 'Add -> File' context menu of the 'Application Folder' folder.
4. Remove all duplicated assemblies in 'File System' editor if any.
5. Rebuild solution.

If you have 'Unresolved reference...' errors, please double click on the error item and remove the corresponding line in the Product.wxs file. Let me know if you face any difficulties.
Posted 30 Jan, 2017 13:37:00 Top


That worked perfect.
Thank you.
Posted 31 Jan, 2017 08:15:18 Top