How to debug an IE extension in 64-bit mode?

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How to debug an IE extension in 64-bit mode?
Vladimir Lvov

Posts: 10
Joined: 2010-09-16
My extension works fine in 32-bit mode but fails in 64-bit mode. It partially works with 64-bit IE, but it seems it misses the web browser events. I would like to run it under the debugger in 64-bit mode but it does not stop on any breakpoints. What should I do debug the extension in 64-bit mode?
Thank you,
Posted 15 Jul, 2011 09:52:35 Top
Vladimir Lvov

Posts: 10
Joined: 2010-09-16
I found an answer in the forum and it worked for me. Protected mode has to be disabled to allow debugging.
Posted 15 Jul, 2011 14:04:19 Top