getting AddinExpress.IE.Deployment.AddinDomainAdapter error while installing toolbar on Windows 7

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getting AddinExpress.IE.Deployment.AddinDomainAdapter error while installing toolbar on Windows 7
Pratibha Pandey

Posts: 33
Joined: 2010-06-30
Hi Andrei,

I am getting this error when I install my toolbar:

AddinExpress.IE.Deployment.AddinDomainAdapter error: the setup has fired an exception.

Detailed technical information follows:
(Inner Exception)
Date and Time: 9/17/2010 3:48:47 PM
Machine Name: STPLWIN7
IP Address: fe80::eded:aab1:3fa9:adb0%11
Current User: stplwin7\admin

Application Domain: adxregext.exe
Assembly Codebase: file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/SSB BART Group, Inc/InFocus Toolbar/adxregext.exe
Assembly Full Name: adxregext, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4416dd98f0861965
Assembly Version:
Assembly Build Date: 6/25/2010 6:11:16 PM

Exception Source: mscorlib
Exception Type: System.UnauthorizedAccessException
Exception Message: Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SSB BART Group, Inc\InFocus Toolbar\adxloader.exe' is denied.
Exception Target Site: WinIOError

---- Stack Trace ----
System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(errorCode As Int32, maybeFullPath As String)
adxregext.exe: N 0177 (0xB1) IL
System.IO.FileStream.Init(path As String, mode As FileMode, access As FileAccess, rights As Int32, useRights As Boolean, share As FileShare, bufferSize As Int32, options As FileOptions, secAttrs As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, msgPath As String, bFromProxy As Boolean)
adxregext.exe: N 0958 (0x3BE) IL
System.IO.FileStream..ctor(path As String, mode As FileMode, access As FileAccess, share As FileShare, bufferSize As Int32, options As FileOptions, msgPath As String, bFromProxy As Boolean)
adxregext.exe: N 0014 (0xE) IL
System.IO.FileStream..ctor(path As String, mode As FileMode)
adxregext.exe: N 0000 (0x0) IL
AddinExpress.IE.ADXIEModule.RegisterIEModuleInternal(t As Type)
adxregext.exe: N 0935 (0x3A7) IL
InFocusToolbar_IE8.IEModule.RegisterIEModule(t As Type)
adxregext.exe: N 0000 (0x0) IL

(Outer Exception)
Date and Time: 9/17/2010 3:48:47 PM
Machine Name: STPLWIN7
IP Address: fe80::eded:aab1:3fa9:adb0%11
Current User: stplwin7\admin

Application Domain: adxregext.exe
Assembly Codebase: file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/SSB BART Group, Inc/InFocus Toolbar/adxregext.exe
Assembly Full Name: adxregext, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4416dd98f0861965
Assembly Version:
Assembly Build Date: 6/25/2010 6:11:16 PM

Exception Source: mscorlib
Exception Type: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
Exception Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Exception Target Site: _InvokeMethodFast

---- Stack Trace ----
System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(target As Object, arguments As Object[], sig As SignatureStruct&, methodAttributes As MethodAttributes, typeOwner As RuntimeTypeHandle)
adxregext.exe: N 00000 (0x0) JIT
System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(target As Object, arguments As Object[], sig As Signature, methodAttributes As MethodAttributes, typeOwner As RuntimeTypeHandle)
adxregext.exe: N 0007 (0x7) IL
System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(obj As Object, invokeAttr As BindingFlags, binder As Binder, parameters As Object[], culture As CultureInfo, skipVisibilityChecks As Boolean)
adxregext.exe: N 0256 (0x100) IL
System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(obj As Object, invokeAttr As BindingFlags, binder As Binder, parameters As Object[], culture As CultureInfo)
adxregext.exe: N 0000 (0x0) IL
AddinExpress.IE.Deployment.AddinDomainAdapter.CallUserDefinedRegistrationMethod(type As Type, bRegister As Boolean)
adxregext.exe: N 0337 (0x151) IL
AddinExpress.IE.Deployment.AddinDomainAdapter.RegisterAssembly(assembly As Assembly, flags As AssemblyRegistrationFlags)
adxregext.exe: N 0150 (0x96) IL
AddinExpress.IE.Deployment.AddinDomainAdapter.RegisterForComInterop(register As Boolean, dllType As String, dllPath As String, showExceptions As Boolean)
adxregext.exe: N 0051 (0x33) IL

I am getting this error on Windows 7.. 64-bit and I have the toolbar created in Add-In-Express 2010 Premium

Pratibha Pandey
Posted 17 Sep, 2010 05:56:31 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Pratibha,

Is the UAC enabled? Please make sure that you run the setup.exe.

BTW Are you able to reproduce the issue with a newly created add-on project?
Posted 17 Sep, 2010 06:04:33 Top
Pratibha Pandey

Posts: 33
Joined: 2010-06-30
Hi Eugene,

Thanks for your comment...

But why will it not run if I run the msi. Because the client may run msi and give the error

Posted 17 Sep, 2010 06:44:28 Top
Pratibha Pandey

Posts: 33
Joined: 2010-06-30
Hi Eugene,

I am getting this error with the newly created add-on only.

Pratibha Pandey
Posted 17 Sep, 2010 06:46:35 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Pratibha,

Assembly Full Name: adxregext, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4416dd98f0861965
Assembly Version:

What version and build number of Add-in Express do you use? Is it 2009?
Posted 17 Sep, 2010 06:54:05 Top
Pratibha Pandey

Posts: 33
Joined: 2010-06-30
Hi Eugene,

Its 2010, AddInExpress 2010 Premium Edition.

Posted 17 Sep, 2010 07:07:18 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Pratibha,

Could you please send a sample add-on project(the sources) which can reproduce the issue to the support e-mail address (see readme.txt)?
Posted 17 Sep, 2010 09:34:01 Top