IE Add-In Side Bar Share Cookies

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IE Add-In Side Bar Share Cookies
Does cookies that are requested from the sidebar shared with the browser pages/tabs 
Shawn Fenus

Posts: 16
Joined: 2010-01-08
I have a side bar login form that request a jsession id from the web server when logging in. The web server creates a jsession cookie. I then use the jsession id to open up a page on our member site via the IEApp.Navigate method in order to bypass the login process on our web site (this prevents the user from having to login to our member site). This works fine with our firefox plugin but in IE it does not seem to see the jsession cookie that is created when the application requested the jession id upon login. so when I invoke the IEApp.Navigate from the sidebar with the member site url that requires a jsession cookie the member site rejects the cookie and gets kicked to the default home page.

Are cookies shared from the IE Sidebar with the page/tab(s)? Or is it because the sidebar is running in a separate process? I do not have any code signing on my add-on yet - Is there a permission policy that I needs to be in place? Please Help. Thanks in Advance.
Posted 08 Jan, 2010 06:31:25 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Shawn.

Please try to use the PostData parameter of the Navigate method to send the session id.
Posted 08 Jan, 2010 09:56:54 Top