Recommended way for auto-update mechanism for add-on

Add-in Express™ Support Service
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Recommended way for auto-update mechanism for add-on
Horatiu Muresan



I recently developed an Internet Explorer add-on.

My requirements are that either the check for update is done at startup (I did not see an event for catching the startup of IE) or on a 24 hrs basis.
My approach on the 24 hrs basis was to store the last update check in registry - for some reason this approach doesn't seem reliable enough, on my dev machine this was working pretty much ok, on other's it seemed not to preserve the info in registry which would cause the popup to show up too often(IE has it's own registry subtree where it saves stuff as i noticed).
Initially I used windows forms to generate the update available dialog - that was not ok as the dlg converted to javascript @ runtime had issues on various screen resolutions - not resizing correctly. So I switched to calling a javascript popup. With this approach , the popup would sometimes be rendered too soon (on like an iframe's documentcomplete event instead of the full window documentcomplete) and disappear before the user would have the chance to do an action on it.

So my question is, is there an 'official' way of implementing the auto-update for an IE add-on? Some built-in mechanism?

Thank You,
Posted 29 Jul, 2016 08:55:09 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Horatiu,

Currently Add-in Express for IE doesn't provide the 'automatic updates' feature.
We will add the feature to the product in a month or so. Please wait.
Posted 29 Jul, 2016 11:19:36 Top
Horatiu Muresan


That is great news, thank you!

Best regards,
Posted 29 Jul, 2016 12:12:12 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Horatiu,

It took us a while to implement this feature. Please download build 9.5.6127.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 20 Jul, 2017 05:29:30 Top