How can catch exception ?Â?Ð?ìUnable to open broker pipe?Â?Ð?í in my IEModule?

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How can catch exception ?Â?Ð?ìUnable to open broker pipe?Â?Ð?í in my IEModule?

Posts: 8
Joined: 2014-09-05
if the broker application crashed or pipe blocked ,the exception ?Â?Ð?ìUnable to open broker pipe?Â?Ð?í will be thrown in IE 。
How can handle this error in IEModule code or restart the broker app?

Sometimes the broker app process is not close,when IE is closed. How can diagnose the problem?
Posted 21 Oct, 2014 14:55:56 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Dolantin,

This exception is critical and it can not be suppressed. If the broker app crashes/hangs, please try to debug it in Visual Studio. You can use 'Attach to Process' in order to debug the broker app.
Posted 22 Oct, 2014 05:43:57 Top