adxloader64.dll in IE Manager Add-on

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adxloader64.dll in IE Manager Add-on
adxloader64.dll in IE Manager Add-on 

Posts: 15
Joined: 2014-05-14

In the Plugin Manager; adxloader64.dll

I developed the add-on and then I did the setup file.
When I install the add-on it installs other one like "adxloader64.dll" (not always appears with this name in other pcs kind of identifier appears).

I would like to know if this component is necesary, if I could delete it and how. If the component is necesary how could I change the name.

Posted 16 Jul, 2014 05:44:14 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11

Your managed IE add-on gets loaded to IE (which is unmanaged) with the help of the loader dll: adxloader.dll and adxloader64.dll. The loader initializes CLR, creates an Appdomain for your add-on and loads the add-on assembly to the AppDomain. adxloader64.dll is required if the target IE application is 64 bit. Add-in Express setup project wizard adds this file to the setup project to let you use a single setup project for 32bit and 64bit IE applications. That is, deleting this file from the setup project means you'll need to have two setup projects: 32bit and 64bit. I don't think this is what you really need.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 16 Jul, 2014 06:46:58 Top

Posts: 15
Joined: 2014-05-14
Hi there,
It really was not what I wanted to ask, however I also need you to know that.
I'll explain:
When I install the Add-On in IE, in Plugin Manager I see the following depending on the operating system where to find me:

What I wonder is if there is any way to change the name of the plug-in to my plugin being bound visually.

Thanks and best regards,
Posted 18 Jul, 2014 03:52:55 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11

Can you please post here or send to the support email address the InitializeComponent method of the Add-in Express module used in your project? Is this an ADXIEModule, ADXIEToolbarModule, or ADXIEBarModule? You can find the support email address in {Add-in Ex[ress}\readme.txt. Please make sure that your email contains a link to this topic.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 18 Jul, 2014 08:33:40 Top

Posts: 15
Joined: 2014-05-14
Hi Andrei,
This is the code.

#region Component Designer generated code

/// <summary>
/// Required by designer support - do not modify
/// the following method
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(IEModule));
this.adxieCommandItem1 = new AddinExpress.IE.ADXIECommandItem(this.components);
// adxieCommandItem1
resources.ApplyResources(this.adxieCommandItem1, "adxieCommandItem1");
this.adxieCommandItem1.CommandGuid = "{8B380B7F-EC29-454E-893F-8C2F55E2D5E5}";
this.adxieCommandItem1.ShowInMenu = AddinExpress.IE.ADXIECommandMenuType.cmtNone;
this.adxieCommandItem1.OnClick += new AddinExpress.IE.ADXIECommandClick_EventHandler(this.adxieCommandItem1_OnClick);
// IEModule
this.LoadInMainProcess = false;
resources.ApplyResources(this, "$this");
this.OnConnect += new AddinExpress.IE.ADXIEConnect_EventHandler(this.IEModule_OnConnect);
this.OnDisconnect += new System.EventHandler(this.IEModule_OnDisconnect);
this.OnBeforeExecute += new AddinExpress.IE.ADXIEBeforeExecute_EventHandler(this.IEModule_OnBeforeExecute);


Thanks and best regards,
Posted 23 Jul, 2014 02:20:03 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Gabriel,

Thank you for sending me the code. Does this issue occur on a machine where a previous version of your add-on was ever installed?

When this occurs for the next time, please send me adxregistrator.log which is by default created when you install the add-on, see the folder Documents\Addx-in Express\adxregistrator.log in the profile of the user who runs the installer. Then start IE via the "Run as administrator" command and get the adxloader.log file, see Documents\Addx-in Express\adxloader.log in the profile of the user who runs the installer. I remember your asking about turning these files off; please make sure they are turned on.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 23 Jul, 2014 05:59:33 Top

Posts: 15
Joined: 2014-05-14
Hi Andrei,


Add-in Express Registrator Log File: 07/24/2014 04:49:53

Installation directory: C:\Program Files\INTECO\IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11\
Registrator version: 9.0.6121.0
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
Process Owner: System
Command Line: "C:\Program Files\INTECO\IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11\adxregistrator.exe" /install="IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11.dll" /privileges=admin /LogFileLocation=logs
Run 'As Administrator': Yes
Process Elevated: No
Integrity Level: Untrusted
UAC (User Account Control): Off
04:49:53 0076 Starting the add-in registration process.
04:49:53 0076 Loading mscoree.dll
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 .NET Framework installation directory:
04:49:53 0076 The latest version of .NET Framework: 'v4.0.30319'
04:49:53 0076 Loading CLR: v4.0.30319.
04:49:53 0076 Calling CLRCreateInstance method.
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 Calling GetRuntime method.
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 Checking if the hosting API of .NET Framework v4.0 beta is installed.
04:49:53 0076 The hosting API is up to date.
04:49:53 0076 Calling GetInterface method for the CorRuntimeHost interface.
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 Starting CLR...
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 Getting the CLR version.
04:49:53 0076 The CLR v4.0.30319 has been initialized successfully.
04:49:53 0076 Creating a new domain setup.
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 Getting the add-in directory.
04:49:53 0076 Success. The directory is 'C:\Program Files\INTECO\IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11\'
04:49:53 0076 The 'shadow copy' is disabled.
04:49:53 0076 Creating a new application domain.
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 Getting the base directory for the domain.
04:49:53 0076 Success. The directory is 'C:\Program Files\INTECO\IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11\'.
04:49:53 0076 Searching for the Add-in Express core library.
04:49:53 0076 Success. The 'AddinExpress.IE.dll' file is found.
04:49:53 0076 Creating an instance of the 'AddinExpress.Deployment.ADXRegistrator' class.
04:49:53 0076 Assembly identity is 'AddinExpress.IE'.
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 Unwrapping the instance of the 'AddinExpress.Deployment.ADXRegistrator' class.
04:49:53 0076 Success.
04:49:53 0076 Calling the managed registration procedure.
04:49:53 0076 The add-in registration process is completed with HRESULT = 0.

Add-in Express Loader Log File: 07/24/2014 05:00:22:221

Startup directory: C:\Program Files\INTECO\IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11\
Loader version: 9.0.6121.0
IE Protected Mode: Off
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
Process Owner: Administrator
Command Line: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" SCODEF:908 CREDAT:14337
Run 'As Administrator': Yes
Process Elevated: No
Integrity Level: Untrusted
UAC (User Account Control): Off
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Start.
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Reading the registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D2BC2F36-9E83-4CDE-889B-2BACDCC52DFE}'
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Success. The registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D2BC2F36-9E83-4CDE-889B-2BACDCC52DFE}' is closed.
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Converting the '{A3A5C6A6-288F-4eee-8634-2BA9D5A28002}' CLSID from string.
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Attempting to get the class object by the '{A3A5C6A6-288F-4eee-8634-2BA9D5A28002}' CLSID.
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Creating a new instance of the add-on loader.
05:00:22:221 1220 1868 Loading mscoree.dll
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 Loading the configuration from the system registry.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 Getting the latest CLR version.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 The latest CLR version is 'v4.0.30319'.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 The configuration has been loaded successfully.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 Runtime version: v4.0.30319.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 Assembly name: IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11, PublicKeyToken=FF36D59E1C044502.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 Class name: IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11.IEModule.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 Registry key: CLSID\{D2BC2F36-9E83-4CDE-889B-2BACDCC52DFE}.
05:00:22:237 1220 1868 Creating tab window manager...
05:00:22:252 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:252 1220 1868 Attempting to create a new instance of the managed add-on class: CLR - v4.0.30319
05:00:22:252 1220 1868 Loading CLR: v4.0.30319.
05:00:22:252 1220 1868 Calling CLRCreateInstance method.
05:00:22:252 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:252 1220 1868 Calling GetRuntime method.
05:00:22:268 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:268 1220 1868 Checking if the hosting API of .NET Framework v4.0 beta is installed.
05:00:22:268 1220 1868 The hosting API is up to date.
05:00:22:268 1220 1868 Calling GetInterface method for the CorRuntimeHost interface.
05:00:22:268 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:268 1220 1868 Starting CLR...
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 Getting the CLR version.
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 The CLR v4.0.30319 has been initialized successfully.
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 Creating a new domain setup.
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 Getting the add-in directory.
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 Success. The directory is 'C:\Program Files\INTECO\IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11\'
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 The 'shadow copy' is disabled.
05:00:22:315 1220 1868 Creating a new application domain.
05:00:22:393 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:393 1220 1868 Creating an instance of the managed class. Assembly identity: 'IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11, PublicKeyToken=FF36D59E1C044502'
05:00:22:487 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:487 1220 1868 Unwrapping the managed class.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Querying the ObjectWithSite interface.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Getting the dispid of the 'Dispose' method.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Getting the dispid of the 'InitializeModule' method.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Getting the dispid of the 'InitializeLoaderAPI4' method.
05:00:22:502 1220 1868 Success.
05:00:22:518 1220 1868 The managed add-on class has been created successfully.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Start.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Reading the registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D2BC2F36-9E83-4CDE-889B-2BACDCC52DFE}'
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Success. The registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D2BC2F36-9E83-4CDE-889B-2BACDCC52DFE}' is closed.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Converting the '{A3A5C6A6-288F-4eee-8634-2BA9D5A28002}' CLSID from string.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Attempting to get the class object by the '{A3A5C6A6-288F-4eee-8634-2BA9D5A28002}' CLSID.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Creating a new instance of the add-on loader.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Loading the configuration from the system registry.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Getting the latest CLR version.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 The latest CLR version is 'v4.0.30319'.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 The configuration has been loaded successfully.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Runtime version: v4.0.30319.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Assembly name: IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11, PublicKeyToken=FF36D59E1C044502.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Class name: IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11.IEModule.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Registry key: CLSID\{D2BC2F36-9E83-4CDE-889B-2BACDCC52DFE}.
05:00:44:221 1220 2264 Creating tab window manager...
05:00:44:237 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Attempting to create a new instance of the managed add-on class: CLR - v4.0.30319
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Creating an instance of the managed class. Assembly identity: 'IntecoAddonAntiBotnetIE6_IE11, PublicKeyToken=FF36D59E1C044502'
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Unwrapping the managed class.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Querying the ObjectWithSite interface.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Getting the dispid of the 'Dispose' method.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Getting the dispid of the 'InitializeModule' method.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Getting the dispid of the 'InitializeLoaderAPI4' method.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 Success.
05:00:44:565 1220 2264 The managed add-on class has been created successfully.

Thanks and best regards,
Posted 24 Jul, 2014 07:10:33 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Gabriel,

I suggest that you check if you deploy localized resources of your add-on project.

If the above doesn't help, please send me that project or any other project reproducing the same issue to the support email address. You can find it in {Add-in Express installation folder}\readme.txt. Please make sure your email contains a link to this topic.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 24 Jul, 2014 10:19:46 Top

Posts: 15
Joined: 2014-05-14
Hi Andrei,

You said in a previous post that is it possible to create a unique Plugin for 32 and 64 bits, and depending on the system, it will install the correct one. Is this true? If so, how could I do this?

Thank you in advance and best regards.
Posted 06 Aug, 2014 01:54:12 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Gabriel,

Add-in Express creates a project that builds for the Any CPU platform and contains 32bit and 64bit loader versions. The setup project created by Add-in Express is 32 bit. This allows it to run on 32bit and 64bit systems. The installer delivers the add-on assembly as well as the loaders to the target location. Then it runs adxregistrator.exe (which is 32bit as well) to register the add-on. That's all.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 06 Aug, 2014 02:27:09 Top