Creating an installer for my IE Addon?

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Creating an installer for my IE Addon?
Matt Curtis

Posts: 3
Joined: 2012-12-11

I'm currently working on an Addon for IE, and am trying to create an installer. I'm running into a host of issues:

1.) I can't use any sort of open-source installer that requires that the application installed also be open source, which rules out WIX (
2.) Visual Studio 2012 has the installer templates removed, so that is not an option either

I've installed InstallShield (trial) as a last hope, but I'm getting this obnoxious and heart-rending error when I try to create a setup project via Add-in Express.

User added an image

Any help with this at all would make my day.


Full error text:

Detailed technical information follows: 
Date and Time:         12/11/2012 2:44:29 PM
Machine Name:          
IP Address:            fe80::6099:ea22:3fb3:b90c%11
Current User:          

Application Domain:    DefaultDomain
Assembly Codebase:     file:///C:/Program Files/Add-in Express/Add-in Express .NET for Internet Explorer/Bin/Package/VS2005/AddinExpress.IEWizard.dll
Assembly Full Name:    AddinExpress.IEWizard, Version=8.1.5065.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4416dd98f0861965
Assembly Version:      8.1.5065.0

Exception Source:      
Exception Type:        System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
Exception Message:     The template specified cannot be found. Please check that the full path is correct.
Exception Target Site: AddFromFile

---- Stack Trace ----
   EnvDTE.SolutionClass.AddFromFile(FileName As String, Exclusive As Boolean)
       AddinExpress.IEWizard.dll: N 00000 (0x0) JIT 
   AddinExpress.SetupWizard.SetupWizardForm.CreateSetupProject(primaryOutputPath As String)
       AddinExpress.IEWizard.dll: N 2273 (0x8E1) IL 
   AddinExpress.SetupWizard.SetupWizardForm.CreateSetupProject(project As Project, targetFramework As UInt32)
       AddinExpress.IEWizard.dll: N 0069 (0x45) IL 
   AddinExpress.IE.Wizard.ADXIEPackage.Exec(guidCmdGroup As Guid&, cmdID As UInt32, nCmdexecopt As UInt32, pvaIn As IntPtr, pvaOut As IntPtr)
       AddinExpress.IEWizard.dll: N 0715 (0x2CB) IL
Posted 11 Dec, 2012 14:54:27 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Matt,

Did you install InstallShield Express?

I can't use any sort of open-source installer that requires that the application installed also be open source, which rules out WIX (

This license governs the distribution of the WiX source code and binary files. But it is not related to installer programs.
Posted 12 Dec, 2012 04:04:13 Top
Matt Curtis

Posts: 3
Joined: 2012-12-11
Thanks for your reply!

I installed InstallShield 2012 Spring - was that my mistake?

So you're saying that that license doesn't effect installers created with the WIX Toolset? Where is that said? If so that simplifies this a lot.

Also - side note - what event (and how is it) used to receive an event when the Explorer Bar is resized?

Thanks again,
Posted 12 Dec, 2012 10:10:50 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Matt,

I installed InstallShield 2012 Spring - was that my mistake?

Add-in Express doesn't support InstallShield Limited and Express editions.

So you're saying that that license doesn't effect installers created with the WIX Toolset? Where is that said? If so that simplifies this a lot.

The license describes conditions and limitations on distribution of any portion of the software that is the WiX library (source code and binaries). When you create an installer using WiX, you don't include anything from the WiX library. The WiX compiler creates the same MSI database as you can create using the 'Deployment Project' supported in Visual Studio 2003-2010.

Also - side note - what event (and how is it) used to receive an event when the Explorer Bar is resized?

You can use the 'Resize' event of the explorer bar control. It can be added via the Events tab of the Properties window.
Posted 12 Dec, 2012 11:51:51 Top
Matt Curtis

Posts: 3
Joined: 2012-12-11
Thanks for your answers! Can you tell me if this applies to WIX installers?

3. Conditions and Limitations
(A) Reciprocal Grants- For any file you distribute that contains code from the software (in source code or binary format), you must provide recipients the source code to that file along with a copy of this license, which license will govern that file. You may license other files that are entirely your own work and do not contain code from the software under any terms you choose.

Is that also the reason for the "Common Public License"/End User Agreement in the installers generated?

Add-in Express doesn't support InstallShield Limited and Express editions.

So I should download InstallShield 2012 Spring Professional, correct?
Posted 14 Dec, 2012 12:21:37 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Matt,

Matt Curtis writes:
Can you tell me if this applies to WIX installers?

"The sowftware" in the section "Conditions and Limitations" is WiX. In other words, if you distribute the source code of WiX (all or part of it), you have to distribute the source code of your software.

Matt Curtis writes:
Is that also the reason for the "Common Public License"/End User Agreement in the installers generated?

I think that the license shown by a .MSI installer created using WiX is a sample EULA because it doesn't even mention WiX. You may remove it or replace with your own EULA, which may or may not be similar to the default license agreement. Anyway, it's part of your installer.

Matt Curtis writes:
So I should download InstallShield 2012 Spring Professional, correct?


Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 17 Dec, 2012 06:29:45 Top