Semi-transparent icons on ribbon?

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Semi-transparent icons on ribbon?
Joeri Sebrechts

Posts: 7
Joined: 2007-07-31
I'm trying to add a 32-bit PNG image with full transparency as an icon on a TadxRibbonButton (inside Outlook).

When I do this I get white or black fringing around the edge of the icon.

I've tried two ways:
- Created an imagelist, 32bit depth, dsTransparent. Added the image, set it via ImageIndex. This resulted in black fringing.
- Saved as BMP with white background (via Paint.NET), set as glyph directly on the button. This resulted in white fringing.

Is there a way to avoid this fringing?
Posted 25 Aug, 2011 10:59:28 Top
Alexander Solomenko

Posts: 140
Joined: 2009-02-27
Hi Joeri,

It is not necessary to convert your image to the bmp format.
Please use the imagelist, but perform the following steps first:

- set the Width and Height properties to 32;
- set the ColorDepth property to cd32bit;
- load your image in imagelist;

I have tested a PNG image in Deplhi2009, Add-in Express 6.4.758. The image displayed transparently. If your configuration is different, please try to update to the latest version of Add-in Express.

Aleksandr Solomenko
Posted 26 Aug, 2011 06:22:03 Top