how do I check if an Item has been released

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how do I check if an Item has been released
After an item has been added to a folder... or changes have been made 
charles van den akker III

Posts: 10
Joined: 2005-11-22
Hello dude...

i have tried

while Imail.Saved do
Imail.saveas('c:\test.msg', olmsg);

but i keep getting an error:

EOleException with message " Cant save now because a file of the same name is being used. CLose that fiel and try again"...

any ideas..

...also... how do you guys debug this... i have been using dialogs and it gets quite cumbersome...


Posted 12 Dec, 2005 10:53:57 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Charles,

1) What are you trying to do with this code? What is the while loop for?

2) Set the full path to your host application in the Host Application parameter (see the Run -> Parameters dialog box in the Delphi IDE) and press F9.

Posted 12 Dec, 2005 12:00:39 Top
charles van den akker III

Posts: 10
Joined: 2005-11-22
Hi again dude...

what a week i have been having... and it is only monday!!

1)After much testing.. phew... i figured out the file that the error message was refering to was another DLL!!! I had to go through all of my programs and unregister all the test enviroment...

Sounds obvious now!! .....

OK what i have completed is a system that:
A) attaches any DB fields to any Outlook Item that the client requires (up to 5 totally generic fields that will need to be Validated if needed- as well as choosing which items and in which folders)... this is so that clients can have accurate records...
B) Loads about 20 salient fields into a Table and also stores the msg file in a BLOB field..

I did a Star Wars evolution on this one... first did phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, and Phase 5
This was phase one.... changing all modules now.

If i can just say that your components have made my life sooooooo much simpler... i have been able to build isolated modules that function without cross checking window handles and searching for items and using timers to hack into the objects... very coool.

2)What i was asking about debugging... Using Delphi 7 Enterprise SP2... how the hell, if possible do i debugg like with an EXE... placing "Breaks" in the code... i am using Dialogs to figure stuff out... pretty timeconsuming...

Posted 12 Dec, 2005 21:20:44 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Charles,

1) It seems to be good work, good luck with your project.

2) It is easy enough. See the "Debugging dynamic link libraries" topic in the Delphi help. Also, please pay attention to the following quote from the same source.

Unfortunately, the Delphi debugger is not able to debug DLLs when the path to these files is too long. To debug your add-ins, just indicate the root of one of the logical drives as the destination path (the Output Directory parameter) in the Project Options window. And remember to indicate the host application in "Run | Parameters".

Posted 13 Dec, 2005 10:08:16 Top