Dynamically set the SupportedApp property when a dll is registering

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Dynamically set the SupportedApp property when a dll is registering
Ruslan Plakhuta

Posts: 76
Joined: 2008-07-01
Hi all!

I have add-in integration for Word, Excel, Outlook, PPT and I want dynamically configurates add-in integration when a dll is registering.

For example - I have in the regisrty or in an "ini" file the key which disable/enable my add-in integration for Word.
I reads this key and sets the SupportedApp property when the OnAfterAddinRegister event fired:

with Tinifile.Create('reg.ini') do
bWord := ReadBool('reg', 'word', false);

if bWord then
if not (ohaWord in SupportedApps) then
self.SupportedApps := self.SupportedApps + [ohaWord];

end else begin
if ohaWord in SupportedApps then
self.SupportedApps := self.SupportedApps - [ohaWord];


Somtimes it`s working fine, but sometimes it is not working


Could someone explain me why it happens?
Maybe another way exists, please suggest!
Posted 10 Apr, 2009 13:08:07 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18825
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Ruslan,

I've just tested doing a similar thing in OnCreate. It works fine for me.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 13 Apr, 2009 10:29:20 Top