Database Access, is it possible?

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Database Access, is it possible?
Davide Crudo

Posts: 23
Joined: 2005-05-09

I have a couple of questions:

1) I would like to know if I can drop a data access component on the add-in-express so that I can then connect to a database.

2) Is it possibile to create a function in Delphi that will be later on accessed from Excel?

What I'm looking for is a way to retrieve data from a database using a function in a formula (like putting "=getDBdata(table, query)" and retrieve the result in an excel the standard excel formulas)

Thank you in advance!

Posted 09 May, 2005 10:55:32 Top
Eugene Starostin


Hello Dave,

Add-in Express allows you to create Excel worksheet functions including you descibe. More details you can find in its Developers Guide.

As for data access components on the add-in module I suggest to create a separate data module and use it from the add-in module.
Posted 09 May, 2005 12:18:54 Top