Excel GPF / Access Violation

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Excel GPF / Access Violation
Add-in causes Excel GPF when a 3rd party calls Excel 
Simon Blackwell

Posts: 10
Joined: 2004-11-08

I have an Excel add-in that loads perfectly when excel is called via the program menu... but I have on my machine an accounting system that must load Excel as an OLE for it's own use... When the accounts application is started I see my Add-in Splash screen appear and then get an access violation address 0000000 and then I get the Windows XP GPF / Debug screen...

I have tried to check whether Excel is visible or not and then display or not display my add-in splash screen but that doesn't seem to make a difference..

Any suggestions would be most helpful.


Posted 08 Jan, 2005 05:15:36 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hello Simon,

It looks like while the add-in is being initialized some of your code refers to an Excel Object that doesn't exist in this case and gets this GPF. Please send to our support service a piece of your code, we will look into it and try to help you.
Posted 09 Jan, 2005 04:32:41 Top
Simon Blackwell

Posts: 10
Joined: 2004-11-08
Hi Dmitry,

Thanks for the pointer - I had a form that was loading in the AddinStartupComplete event... the main purpose was that it was checking the license and displaying the screen if it was invalid....

I have changed this to just validate, so the actual form isn't displayed and that stops the GPF...



Posted 10 Jan, 2005 13:45:26 Top