ADXVCL 2007, which addin is active

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ADXVCL 2007, which addin is active
Jason Coley

Posts: 272
Joined: 2005-05-26
Hi there,

Once again, two addins, both right panes, how do I tell from within an addin pane(form), if it is visible(active).

The reason i ask is that I have code running SelectionChange in both addins, but I dont want the code running in both addins, only the currently active one.

Posted 07 Feb, 2007 06:25:09 Top
Fedor Shihantsov



Yesterday I found the following bug:
The SelectionChange event was able to raise for unvisible TADXOlForm.
This fix will be available in the next release that we are planing for the next week.

In your situation you can check the TADXOlForm.Active property in the OnADXSelectionChange event.
Will that do?

An active form in an advanced form region has Visible = true , Active = true
An inactive form in an advanced form region has Visible = true , Active = false

P.S. Note that we take up your forum requests in the order we receive them.
Besides, it may take us some time to investigate your issue. Please be sure we will let you know as soon as the best possible solution is found.
Posted 07 Feb, 2007 07:32:24 Top
Jason Coley

Posts: 272
Joined: 2005-05-26
I tried the Active property and that didn't work, both addins were active, possible bug in the version I have?

Also the bug that you found, I wonder if this is the cause for a lot of crash issues one of my customers has had while testing my addins. I haven't been able to reproduct the crashes here, she has been seeing...

ADX Extensions error: the add-in has fired an exception. TadxOlInspectorArguments.Create (Get Item.Parent) : OLE error A72401A

She is seeing this in the when working with mail objects even though the inspector pane addin that she has installed should only add to contac items.

Posted 07 Feb, 2007 13:36:14 Top
Fedor Shihantsov



I tried the Active property and that didn't work, both addins were active, possible bug in the version I have?

Yes, it is bug. We will fix in the next release.
Posted 08 Feb, 2007 10:22:55 Top
Jason Coley

Posts: 272
Joined: 2005-05-26
I'm not 100% sure but this still doens't seem fixed in the latest version.

OnSelectionChange of the form, I check...

if not Active then Exit;

and it exits regardless if the form is active or not?

Let me get this straight, Active is when the form is shown, i.e. actively open.
So if I have two right pane addins, one is visible and one is not, then only one is active, but at present when I check Active they are both false.

The OnSelection change event is fired for both addins regardless of which one is shown.


Posted 17 Feb, 2007 17:13:49 Top
Jason Coley

Posts: 272
Joined: 2005-05-26
OK my fault, the test version you sent me a few weeks ago had the same filename and build number, I downloaded again and installed and this version has the fixes...sorry
Posted 18 Feb, 2007 14:44:40 Top