How can I cancel the Message-Dlg ?Â?Ð?î"Contacting the server for information"

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How can I cancel the Message-Dlg ?Â?Ð?î"Contacting the server for information"

Posts: 26
Joined: 2012-11-07

We insert text content from our application using the "InsertFile" method and the Outlook add-in.
Now we have a case where this message dialog "Contacting the server for information" is displayed. Sometimes displayed for more than 1 minute.
We want to cancel it after 30 seconds.

User added an image

Is there any way to cancel the call to _Document.InsertFile? Can you help us here?

Thanks in advance

Nedeljka Meyer
Posted 17 May, 2020 23:27:12 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18829
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Nedeljka,

This isn't supported by the Word Object Model. You can try to use Windows API and/or UI Automation to deal with this.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 18 May, 2020 02:34:05 Top