TadxWordTaskPane is being displayed outside word after office 2016 update with some clients

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TadxWordTaskPane is being displayed outside word after office 2016 update with some clients
Tim Smet

Posts: 37
Joined: 2015-10-06

we have been getting numerous reports from clients who are having problems using our addin developped using add-in express for word in office 2016. After Some office 2016 with a number of our clients a TadxWordTaskPane is being displayed outside word. It creates a panel on the right but the panel becomes visible outside word behind all other program's and is not usuable nor can it be made to appear inside word again like it was always the case.

I have created a video and upload it to youtube to show the problem: https://youtu.be/qii5mQ4xn5c

The addins having the problems were build using adxvcl-v801-b1432-pre version so i just downloaded the latest version being adxvcl-v802-b1435-pre and rebuilded our addin but the problem persits.

It happens with the clients with word 2016 version 1803 build 9126.2116 (Click & play/ready) from monthly channel

It happens with office for home users as well as Microsoft office 365 business.

I have not been able to reproduce this problem on my pc's but i'm using newer office versions, but a collegue of mine has the same office version and he also does not have the problem. i'll be trying to simulate the problem localy here now by downgrading office versions and testing on diffrent pc's till i can simulate it. So i'm not certain the office version is to blame could as well be a windows update
Posted 10 Apr, 2018 05:53:56 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Tim,

I suggest that these users select the "Optimize for compatibility" option on the General tab of the dialog box opened via File | Options.

The issue is caused by Office changes they describe at https://support.office.com/en-us/article/office-apps-appear-the-wrong-size-or-blurry-on-external-monitors-bc9f7279-4e42-4b15-a949-46ab8bcfe44f?ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us.

We've implemented support of these changes in the .NET edition of Add-in Express. We'll publish that edition next week and start working on the VCL edition. It will require up to two weeks to complete code changes and tests.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 10 Apr, 2018 07:19:14 Top
Tim Smet

Posts: 37
Joined: 2015-10-06
Hi Andrei, the option "Optimize for compatibility" seems to solve it on the client's pc where i was testing.

It's weird that i did not see this option on another windows 10 pc (same build) and same office 2016 version. So maybe the option in word is not always visible, i'm not sure what the requirements are to be able to have that word option visible.

I'll check back reguarly to see if any new addin-express version are released. Thanks for the information, this helped already a lot
Posted 10 Apr, 2018 08:14:01 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11

That option is available on Office Insider builds and on some Monthly builds. Re Insider builds: Add-in Express may not be unable to support them. These builds may contain significant changes; see e.g. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/update-history-for-office-insider-for-windows-desktop-64bbb317-972a-4933-8b82-cc866f0b067c?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US#InsiderLevel=Insider. Supporting these builds - they are published really often - requires significant efforts.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 11 Apr, 2018 06:47:52 Top