Duplicate command bar buttons

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Duplicate command bar buttons
Duplicate command bar buttons in word/excel/outlook 
Michel Brazeau

Posts: 17
Joined: 2006-08-31

Hi All,

I created a simple addin that adds a command bar to word/excel/outlook.

One or more button is added to the command bar based on a configuration file.

The command bar and buttons are added programmatically in TAddInModule.Create.

For some strange reason, sometimes users end up with duplicate copies of the command bar buttons. For example, if there is suppose to be only one button, the button is duplicated 3 times on the command bar, but on one button responds to the event properly.

Sometimes unregistering/registering the DLL solves the problem. Sometimes toolbar has to be reset in word.

Below is the code that creates the command bar and buttons.

Anyone have ideas why this can happen?


code below

constructor TAddInModule.Create( AOwner : TComponent );
OutlookButton : TAdxCommandBarButton;
WordButton : TAdxCommandBarButton;
ExcelButton : TAdxCommandBarButton;

Bitmap : TBitmap;
Index : Integer;
inherited Create(AOwner);

FDeleteEmailAfterSend := False;
FDeleteDocumentAfterSend := False;
FEditMetaData := True;

FExcelCommandBar := nil;
FWordCommandBar := nil;
FOutlookCommandBar := nil;

FConfig := TEdmCfgFile.Create;

Self.OnAddInFinalize := Self.ModuleFinalize;
Self.OnAddInInitialize := Self.ModuleInitialize;
Self.OnOLExplorerFolderSwitch := Self.ModuleExplorerFolderSwitch;
Self.OnOLExplorerSelectionChange := Self.ModuleExplorerSelectionChange;

if FConfig.Count > 0 then
FOutlookCommandBar := TadxOlExplorerCommandbar.Create(Self);
FOutlookCommandBar.CommandBarName := 'EDC';
FOutlookCommandBar.SupportedApps := [ohaOutlook];
FOutlookCommandBar.Protection := adxMsoBarNoChangeVisible;
FOutlookCommandBar.Position := adxMsoBarTop;

FWordCommandBar := TadxCommandBar.Create(Self);
FWordCommandBar.CommandBarName := 'EDC';
FWordCommandBar.SupportedApps := [ohaWord];
FWordCommandBar.Protection := adxMsoBarNoChangeVisible;
FWordCommandBar.Position := adxMsoBarTop;

FExcelCommandBar := TadxCommandBar.Create(Self);
FExcelCommandBar.CommandBarName := 'EDC';
FExcelCommandBar.SupportedApps := [ohaExcel];
FExcelCommandBar.Protection := adxMsoBarNoChangeVisible;
FExcelCommandBar.Position := adxMsoBarTop;

for Index := 1 to FConfig.Count do

OutlookButton := FOutlookCommandBar.Controls.Add(adxButton) as TAdxCommandBarButton;
OutlookButton.Caption := FConfig.GetDictStr(CSendTo) + ' ' +
FConfig.Items[Index].EdmName + ' (' + CVersionStr + ')';
OutlookButton.OnClick := Self.SendToEDCFromOutlook;
OutlookButton.Tag := Index;

WordButton := FWordCommandBar.Controls.Add(adxButton) as TAdxCommandBarButton;
WordButton.Caption := FConfig.GetDictStr(CSendTo) + ' ' +
FConfig.Items[Index].EdmName + ' (' + CVersionStr + ')';
WordButton.OnClick := Self.SendToEDCFromWord;
WordButton.Tag := Index;

ExcelButton := FExcelCommandBar.Controls.Add(adxButton) as TAdxCommandBarButton;
ExcelButton.Caption := FConfig.GetDictStr(CSendTo) + ' ' +
FConfig.Items[Index].EdmName + ' (' + CVersionStr + ')';
ExcelButton.OnClick := Self.SendToEDCFromExcel;
ExcelButton.Tag := Index;

Bitmap := nil;
if FConfig.Items[Index].SendToBmpFileName <> '' then
Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
Bitmap := LoadBitmapFromExeRes( 'MOVETOFOLDERBMP' );

OutlookButton.Glyph := Bitmap;
WordButton.Glyph := Bitmap;
ExcelButton.Glyph := Bitmap;

Posted 31 Aug, 2006 15:38:49 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Michel,

Could you please send me your project (or some test project with the same behavior) for testing?

Posted 04 Sep, 2006 05:43:09 Top
Michel Brazeau

Posts: 17
Joined: 2006-08-31

Hi Dmitry,

I was able to create a small test project where the problem is occuring.

I will email you directly with attachment.


Posted 05 Sep, 2006 15:18:22 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Michel,

I have just fixed your project and sent it to you.

Posted 06 Sep, 2006 06:11:15 Top