Some Evaluation Questions...

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Some Evaluation Questions...
Can ADX do X, Y and Z? 
Oliver Giesen

Posts: 77
Joined: 2006-08-07
Hi all!

We've got an existing Outlook COM-Addin project which we built from scratch learning things as we went along. We are now looking into replacing the patched together framework that has accumulated over the years with a proven solution with fewer sharp edges and surprises... ;)

So, here are some of the things we've been banging our heads against with the current backend implementation and I'd like to know whether the experience will be better if we switched to ADX:

* Working with message inspectors that use Word as the editor, in particular: setting recipients with immediate UI feedback (including SentOnBehalfOfName and ReplyRecipients), adding toolbar buttons and modifying the body text.

* Cancelling Outlook events, e.g. button clicks or ItemSend .

* Setting the SentOnBehalfOfName property on an outgoing mail in a way that works even if the message was sent by pressing Ctrl+Enter rather than clicking the Send button.

* Accessing controls on unexposed dialogs, e.g. the Message Options window.

* Are there any know issues using ADX together with Redemption?

That's all I could think of for the moment. Thanks for your time.


Posted 07 Aug, 2006 09:59:52 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Oliver,

* Working with message inspectors that use Word as the editor, in particular: setting recipients with immediate UI feedback (including SentOnBehalfOfName and ReplyRecipients), adding toolbar buttons and modifying the body text.

Adding toolbar buttons is not a problem. Adding recipients and modifying the body text require some tricks using the Outlook Object Model.

* Cancelling Outlook events, e.g. button clicks or ItemSend.

Not a problem - you can set the Cancel parameter to true in any event handler where this parameter exists (e.g. the TadxOutlookAppEvents.OnItemSend event). Additionally you can connect to almost any built-in toolbar controls and menu item and handle their actions yourself.

* Setting the SentOnBehalfOfName property on an outgoing mail in a way that works even if the message was sent by pressing Ctrl+Enter rather than clicking the Send button.

Both pressing Ctrl+Enter and clicking the Send button raise the OnItemSend event (I have just re-checked this situation with Outlook 2003).

* Accessing controls on unexposed dialogs, e.g. the Message Options window.

Though there is no direct access to these controls you can change some mail properties using the Outlook Object Model.

* Are there any know issues using ADX together with Redemption?

We don't have any problems with Redemption at the moment.

If you have other questions feel free to ask me.

Posted 14 Aug, 2006 05:42:08 Top