ADX Extensions VCL & WebViewPane

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ADX Extensions VCL & WebViewPane
Nicholas Cross


I'm trying to get my form to appear in the WebViewPane but I can't seem to get it to work. It will appear quite happily in any other pane, but as soon as I switch to WebViewPane it reverts to the default view and my form does not appear anywhere. Is there anything extra I need to do? I've tried putting in a home page for the folder, but then just the web page appears.
Posted 29 Jul, 2006 10:43:25 Top
Eugene Starostin


Hello Nicholas,

This versions doesn't support WebViewPane. I suppose, WebViewPane will be available in September.
Posted 29 Jul, 2006 11:11:44 Top
Nicholas Cross


Thanks, that stops me from spending ages trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. <g>

Great tool, by the way.
Posted 30 Jul, 2006 07:45:43 Top
Jason Coley

Posts: 272
Joined: 2005-05-26
Does this work yet? I just bought the adx extension for this one feature, i need the elWebViewPane in BDS2006 Upd2 Hotfix 1-9.

I tried but I couldnt get it to work.

Posted 24 Sep, 2006 20:29:24 Top
Jason Coley

Posts: 272
Joined: 2005-05-26
damn I also notice the source isn't there, is that because I bought developer? Can I upgrade to professional?
Posted 24 Sep, 2006 20:31:15 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
ADX.VCL.X.OL still doesn't support WebViewPane.
Posted 25 Sep, 2006 07:01:29 Top