Tool button not showing

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Tool button not showing
In excel, the tool bar button (with image) seems to have disappeared 
esteban Castorena

Posts: 2
Joined: 2006-06-08
I have an excel addin, with a fixed toolbar button (not floating) which works well when registered. when clicked, it calls a web service. everything works fine except when for when the webservice cannot connect and it throws an exception. when this happens it hangs excel (which has to be killed with task manager), when I open excel again the tool bar is gone, I click under view|toolbars (which was unchecked) and it appears (the toolbar) but without my button (its empty)... any suggestions?

Posted 08 Jun, 2006 14:54:01 Top
esteban Castorena

Posts: 2
Joined: 2006-06-08
BTW, I seeing this behaviour only on the first time excel is opened after the addin has been registered. if after registering the addin I open excel and close it, then open excel again and execute the above mentioned scenario the button seems to remain where it should.

any ideas how to prevent this?

Posted 08 Jun, 2006 15:06:23 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Esteban,

You need to catch this exception and don't allow it to crash Excel. I think it will be enough.

If you have other questions feel free to ask me.

Posted 09 Jun, 2006 05:41:48 Top