Performance issues with addins in word

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Performance issues with addins in word
Phillippe Allen

Posts: 30
Joined: 2005-11-07
We are receiving anecdotal reports that the addins appear to be causing performance issues with PCs that have our addins registered with Word/outlook. They are approximately 7Mb in size.
Running monitoring software reveals that Word appears to be making a lot more calls to someone (the windows OS?) than when the addins are not loaded.
Is this impression likely?
If so, is there anything we can do to alleviate the impact?

Posted 16 May, 2006 00:22:29 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Phillippe,

I need more information to understand the situation. What "calls to someone" are? What monitoring software do you use? What does your add-in do?

Posted 16 May, 2006 03:20:47 Top
Phillippe Allen

Posts: 30
Joined: 2005-11-07
My apologies - the orginal email was unclear.

We have setup a test system with Word as the email editor for MS Outlook. We have an addin registered for MS Word and an addin registered for MS Outlook. When the Word addin is registered, the performance of Outlook deteriorates. For example, when the user attempts to reply to an email, there is a noticeable delay between when the document displays and when they can type. However, if we unregister the Word addin, then this delay is no longer noticeable.
We have run FileMon (from SysInternals), then it logs approximately 3 times as many file accesses when the addin is registered as for when it is not.
We were wondering if this is a feature of the MS Addin framework in MS word? If so, are there some parameters we can set up in Word or in the Addin to alleviate this impact. Otherwise, are there some gotchas we should be avoiding when using Addin Express?

Posted 18 May, 2006 00:44:44 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Phillippe,

As to the delay, try to add the following code to your add-ins.

procedure TAddInModule.adxCOMAddInModuleAddInInitialize(Sender: TObject);
  FastCommandBarSearch := True;

When the FastCommandBarSearch property is true, ADX tries to get the command bar interface using CommandBars.Items['Command Bar Name'] construction. If the 'Command Bar Name' command bar is absent, MS Office fires an exception (intercepted by ADX).

When the FastCommandBarSearch property is false, ADX iterates through CommandBars in order to get the 'Command Bar Name' command bar. It is a slow process, esp. in Word, but it doesn't fire any exceptions.

"Fast with exception" vs "Slow without exceptions".

As to the FileMon statistics - may it be that your add-ins use file system somehow?

Posted 18 May, 2006 05:13:20 Top