Buttons Disappered

Add-in Express™ Support Service
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Buttons Disappered
Gürcan YÜCEL


I prepared a MS Word Addin. I placed a command bar and created some buttons on it. When I register it, I saw that it wrote to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\...

But while working on Addin, I registered and unregister it many times. Now my buttons disapperad. Also I checked from registry, now It dont write it. I created a new button. I can see it. But how can I rescue my old buttons?


Gürcan YÜCEL
Posted 28 Sep, 2004 10:05:02 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2887
Joined: 2004-04-05
Please check is your buttons Temporary or just invisible or enabled. See corresponding properties.

ADX Support TEAM
Posted 29 Sep, 2004 01:47:11 Top
Gürcan YÜCEL


Hi Dmitry,
Thanks for the answer. My buttons are temporary:=True,
and visible and enable. I dont change these senttings by code. Any idea?


Gürcan YÜCEL
Posted 29 Sep, 2004 02:19:55 Top
Gürcan YÜCEL


Hi again,
First I unregister the word addin. Remove the toolbar manually from MS Word.I deleted all the buttons and recreated them. All buttons and popups Temporary, visible and enabled properties are true. I registered the add in again. First couple of times there were no problem. While coding I did not changed the properties of buttons, I just try to code button events. While working they disappered again. There is only toolbar and a button near popup, and popup. The buttons in popup disappered again.
Im using D7 Ent.(SP 7.1)+AddIn Express 2.0+Ms Word 3000 (SP-3)+ W2K (SP 4)
Any idea?


Gürcan YÜCEL
Posted 29 Sep, 2004 07:21:14 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2887
Joined: 2004-04-05
Could you please send us the code of your add-in? Or some test project with the same odd behavior?

ADX Support Team
Posted 29 Sep, 2004 09:09:25 Top
Gürcan YÜCEL


Hi Dmitry,
I prepared source and compiled binaries to check. Here is the address;

thanks for the answer
Posted 29 Sep, 2004 10:15:41 Top
Gürcan YÜCEL


Dmitry ansvered my problem via eMail. Im posting the solution here for the other users;
1. I Unregistered DLL.
2. I deleted Normal.dot file.
3. I changed all controls Temporary:=False
4. I registered again.

now it works fine. Also he suggested to move most of code from OnAddInInitialize to OnAddInStartupComplete.

Thanks again ADX Support Team.

Gürcan YÜCEL
Posted 30 Sep, 2004 09:06:34 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2887
Joined: 2004-04-05
I want to make some explanations about the problem that we found out. MS Word seems to ignore the Temporary parameter of controls that are placed into CommandBarPopup.Controls collection. After closing Word still stores these controls in Normal.dot and loses reference to their native popup control. Anybody who faces this problem can make sure of that himself if he opens Normal.dot in Notepad and look at the captions and tags of his controls. So, to avoid this problem in this particular case all controls should be non-temporary.

ADX Support Team
Posted 01 Oct, 2004 05:41:02 Top


I'll add to this. I installed the demo for outlook express (toys or whatnot).

1. Nothing happened after it was installed.
2. Outlook crashed.
3. The buttons appeared.
4. The buttons disappeared - when I went near them outlook crashed.
5. When reloaded, the buttons appeared.

This has put me off the product. I don't want to debug it. It doesn't work. If it doesn't work with my installation it won't work with my customer's installation.

Not good enough.
Posted 02 Oct, 2004 19:44:31 Top
Eugene Starostin


Thank you for your bug reports.

This seems to be very strange. We have tested all ADX Toys on all supported Outlook versions and haven't faced the described.

Could you please give us more detailed information.

1. What our demo have you installed - VCL, VCL + Easy MAPI, .NET C#, .NET VB, etc.?

2. What Outlook version do you use?

3. And finally, is it Outlook or Outlook Express?

Thank you for your patience.
Posted 03 Oct, 2004 06:44:15 Top