Office task panes version-neutral and shared
For your Excel, Word and PowerPoint add-ins, you can use the Advanced Office Task Panes to extend document views with your own .net forms. In contrast to the standard task panes introduced in Office 2007, advanced task panes provided by Add-in Express are:
- Version-neutral - they work on Office 2000 - 2021/365
- Shared - they may contain one and more forms created by one or several add-ins
- Can be dragged between four docks or fixed in one of the docks
- Can be hidden or minimized
- Can be highlighted - if you want to catch the user's attention, simply highlight your task pane
End-user experience and task pane persistence
Finally, like our Advanced Outlook Regions, your Task Panes preserve their settings: at the next start of a host application, users will still see your Task Panes at the same place, at the same size and in the same state as they were configured earlier.