Where are log file from adxregistrator.exe

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Where are log file from adxregistrator.exe
The Word Add-In is not registering 
Leon H H

Posts: 43
Joined: 2010-04-06
I am having difficulties registering the Word Add-In. It does not show up in Word and the registry entries are non-existent. Based on my experience with this kind of behavior some files must be missing in the installer, etc.
So the question is: Where adxregistrator.exe (v10.1.4703.0) creates the log file? It used to do it under Add-In Express directory under C: or under Documents, I think, but now it does not create it. BTW, box adxloader.dll and adxloader64.dll are 10.1.4703.0
BTW, the registration command line [Path]\adxregistrator.exe /install=MyWordAddIn.dll /privileges=admin
when executed from the admin command prompt does not create any registry entries either...
So, where is adxregistrator.exe creates the log file?

If you are about to suggest:
C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\Add-in Express\adxregistrator.log
then I already tried that - this "Add-In Express" folder simply does not exist...

I also tried this: adding specific location to the adxloader.dll.manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assemblyIdentity name="WordExpressAddIn" imageRuntimeVersion="v4.0.30319" />
<loaderSettings generateLogFile="true" shadowCopyEnabled="false" privileges="user" minOfficeVersionSupported="14">
<logFileLocation>C:\Documents\Add-In Express</logFileLocation>

But that did not help either, obviously due to lack of registration...

First I set the location od adxregistrator.log through the command line:
"[#adxregistrator.exe]" /install=WordExpressAddIn.dll /privileges=admin /log=[Logs_Dir]\adxregistrator.log
where Logs_Dir is a regular folder I created in installer under installation folder.
Then looking at this log file I discovered that I build the dll for x64 instead of AnyCPU like all other modules.
Posted 26 Jan, 2023 18:07:33 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18817
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Leon,

Thank you!

Regards from Poland (GMT+1),

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 27 Jan, 2023 05:51:00 Top