List Control details in the ribbon

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List Control details in the ribbon
Siddharth Rout

Posts: 18
Joined: 2020-03-26
My Ribbon AdxRibbonTab1 has 3 groups and has lot of controls like AdxRibbonGallery and AdxRibbonButtons. I would like to export the names, caption and Supertip of all controls. I am stuck in how to loop through all these controls? To begin with how do I get the Ribbon object?

Dim btnRib As ADXRibbonButton = Nothing
Dim grpRib As ADXRibbonGroup = Nothing
Dim glryRib As ADXRibbonGallery = Nothing

For Each grpRib In ????
    For Each glryRib In ????
        For Each btnRib In ???


Siddharth Rout

[Skype]: XPIZON, [Email]:, [Website]: www.SiddharthRout.Com;
Posted 14 Sep, 2020 09:58:36 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18829
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Siddharth,

Every Ribbon component descends from ADXRibbonCustomControl providing a number of cast properties: AsRibbonButton, AsRibbonGroup, etc.) It also provides the GetControls() method. You start with calling GetControls() on an ADXRibbonTab representing the tab in question. If the method returns ADXRibbonControlCollection (not null), you scan the collection testing if the next object is a group, gallery, button, etc. If it isn?Â?Ð?ét a button, call GetControls() and if it returns a non-null value, scan the collection. Recursion.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 15 Sep, 2020 03:36:41 Top