Installing click-to-run versions of office

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Installing click-to-run versions of office
Gavin Howard

Posts: 14
Joined: 2016-12-01
I understand this might not be the place for posting this, but I was looking for some general advice.

We have a client that has confirmed they are using click-to-run excel 2010 (version: 14.0.7212.5000) and they are having issues with our addin. I have noticed that MSDN has some information that some addins may not work as expected. See:

1) Although addin express support the click to run versions, are there any known issues with it? see:

2) How can I actually go about installing the click-to-run versions of office? I have a my visual studio subscription, but cannot see it listed anywhere? Do I have to install it from a sharepoint site or something?
Posted 11 Sep, 2018 09:33:18 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18823
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Gavin,

This may be a wrong track as we don't have any issues related to Click-to-Run. Can you describe the issue?

As to your second question, with Office 2016, you get a Click-to-Run installer if you subscribe to Office 365. Not sure about other versions and packages.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 11 Sep, 2018 10:14:49 Top