Show/Hide WebViewPane on folder swittching

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Show/Hide WebViewPane on folder swittching
Thanasis Boukouvalas

Posts: 40
Joined: 2006-06-17

I'd like some folders to display my form as WebViewPane and I'm using the following code:

  Private Sub AdxOlFormsManager1_ADXBeforeFolderSwitch(ByVal explorerObj As Object, ByVal SrcItem As AddinExpress.OL.ADXOlFormsCollectionItem, ByVal SrcFolder As Object, ByVal DstItem As AddinExpress.OL.ADXOlFormsCollectionItem, ByVal DstFolder As Object) Handles AdxOlFormsManager1.ADXBeforeFolderSwitch

    Dim folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder = CType(DstFolder, Outlook.MAPIFolder)

    If folder.Name.EndsWith("XXX") Then
      Me.AdxOlFormsManager1.Items(0).Enabled = True
      Me.AdxOlFormsManager1.Items(0).Enabled = False
    End If
  End Sub

When I switch to a folder that supposed to show my form, everything is OK.
But when I switch to a folder that supposed to hide my form then I'm taking an empty page.
If I switch again to another folder that supposed to hide my form then everything is OK again.

I've tried adxOutlookEvents_ExplorerSelectionChange event too but I have the same behaviour.

What can I do?
Posted 27 Sep, 2006 09:43:12 Top
Thanasis Boukouvalas

Posts: 40
Joined: 2006-06-17
Please ignore this post.
I found the solution to this: LockUpdates and UnLockUpdates.

Posted 27 Sep, 2006 10:25:07 Top