SmartTag Sample Projet

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SmartTag Sample Projet
Tournoux Thomas

Posts: 24
Joined: 2013-04-16

I download your SmartTag sample projet CustomSmartTagRecognizer, but I'm afraid I'm not able to make it works.
I just build the project, registered it, when I write for example ADX in a Word document, nothing happen, I tried to stop the code (with F9) in the private void adxSmartTag1_Recognize(object sender, AddinExpress.SmartTag.ADXSmartTagRecognizeEventArgs e), but that event is never fired, as you can see in the image, the breakpoint will not be reached at this time, what's wrong ?

User added an image

Posted 25 Nov, 2015 08:06:20 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18823
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Thomas,

It looks like your smart tag isn't loaded.

Here's a citation from

Text is no longer automatically recognized by a smart tag recognizer and will no longer display a purple dotted underline. Instead, users will be able to trigger recognition and view custom actions associated with text by selecting the text and clicking the Additional actions on the context menu. Once the user has moved the IP outside the current paragraph, the text tagging will be cleared for that paragraph. There are changes to the object model to reflect that text marked by a smart tag recognizer will not be stored in the document.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 25 Nov, 2015 08:26:04 Top
Tournoux Thomas

Posts: 24
Joined: 2013-04-16

and there is no way to load it ??
Others natives smarttags are correctly displayed
Posted 25 Nov, 2015 08:56:14 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18823
Joined: 2006-05-11
I've followed all the steps listed at My sample project works correctly. Make sure you register the project.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 25 Nov, 2015 10:31:50 Top