Problems with the generated setup on Windows 8.1

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Problems with the generated setup on Windows 8.1
Error message when installing on Win 8.1 
Vladimir Lvov

Posts: 6
Joined: 2011-12-16
After installing ADX IE 9.0.6121, I generated a new wix setup for my add-on. It ran fine on Win 7. When I tried to install it on Win 8.1, I have got a message: "Installation package canot be open... verify that this is a valid Windows installer package."
My project targets Framework 2.
Please help,
Vladimir Lvov
Posted 05 Apr, 2014 20:55:01 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Vladimir,

I suppose you develop an IE add-on (BHO), IE Toolbar or for-all-users IE Bar. If so, you need to run the installer with elevated permissions. Try starting setup.exe using the "Run as administrator" command.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 07 Apr, 2014 00:40:32 Top